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Everything posted by Chikin

  1. I should be able to make it. Would people object to me bringing 1 guy who is 90 PL?
  2. If that Trygon can be a prime, and the broodlord can start with the genestealers that's a great start collecting pack.
  3. They will probably make another one with slightly less weapons that is a transport.
  4. It's not just a rumor now. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/12/forge-world-preview-the-first-ever-primaris-super-heavy/
  5. Thanks Khan for this. It was a great way to get started at Ordo.
  6. Boo I can't make it tonight. It's back to school night for my kids.
  7. Yesterday the tyranids battled the orks for the week five mission. I watched in sadness as a mob of 30 boyz charged my hormaguants after I failed to make the charge. The game ended with no tyranids left, but two large mobs of boyz left. https://photos.app.goo.gl/HAlMT4EPi6gizuNG3
  8. 4:00 sounds good. I'm bringing Tyranids.
  9. Is anyone up to play a league game of 40k Sunday?
  10. I can play with either the endless swarm, or nidzilla. And big monsters don't scare the hive mind.
  11. After building that broodlord I needed something easier again. A brood of venomthropes.
  12. Last week I decided the bugs needed some reinforcements more than the Elysian. So I got to work on a metal broodlord. I forgot how much I hate putting together metal guys.
  13. With this, do you mean we could do another detachment as well as the Patrol Detachment, or move up to the Battalion Detachment?
  14. I'm excited about this army, other than the logistics of carrying around so many planes to play.
  15. For the escalation league I'm probably going to be playing with my Tyranids but working on my Elysians. I started with a new bag of parts: Then into the bath to wash the mold release from the models: I was able to finish one guy, and partially finish the rest of the squad.
  16. I can be there any time after 3 and my wife wants me to leave by that time too.
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