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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. If you’re going to be there Thurs it be great to play a game - haven’t played a game with you for what a year! My Tau are shelved but I’m running those Novohk Necrons we talked about back then.
  2. I like those options as well, I think most of them require the character or unit to gain exp from previous battles so we’ll all need to start from scratch, or at least the same baseline.
  3. I have my copy of Bane of Kings and I think the campaign rules will be a lot of fun because otherwise every battle is going to seem very similar. There’s also the scenarios of linked battles in multiple books which carry results one battle over to the next but don’t involve the campaign kingdom effects.
  4. Oh yeah, I was posting that back in May which is why I wasn’t concerned about having all my kingdom tiles chosen anytime soon - everyone’s likely to make some changes and you acquire the 5th region territories in the campaign - those slots can’t be filled initially.
  5. So what was the consensus from earlier in the threat - Do most all of us have Bane of Kings now and want to use those rules too? There’s quite a bit more campaign content. As well as random events to make each round of battles a bit more unique.
  6. @ImperialTrooper I might be a little late so go ahead and pick the mission and setup a table of terrain if you like and we can drop right into it when I het there!
  7. @ImperialTrooperI’m still down for 40k, only have 2000pts but happy to play. Planning to get there right around 11 to learn a thing or too from @Blustorm
  8. I’d be down to learn warcry if you have a spare warband and feel like teaching.
  9. Still don’t have the vast majority of my original idea’s minis - was supposed to be in stock over a week ago but didn’t they receive the correct kits - being told by more than one company that Brexit and lack of US participation in UPU continues to jack up prices and reduce reliability of international shipments. Two producers have announced they have to increase prices in the next few weeks as well. Thank god we sent all production overseas so billionaires and corporations can pay zero taxes . . .
  10. I’ll be there looking for some casual 40k, maybe a small game of Oathmark if my minis have arrived in time.
  11. Necron Doors and Recycling Bins? Roadwork Lights? From pariah nexus. Very light black primer overspray from using the other parts. Happy to bring to the clubhouse game night once we return to pre-death-valley temps.
  12. These orcs and the dwarves too have sooo much better detail than the gw LOTR minis!
  13. Yeah, 50mm sq, some can be arranged in units of 3 horizontally, others have to remain individual monsters. Their stat block will have that info.
  14. Great! I definitely lost my game, but still learning how to use my list in general. Probably need some replacements but haven’t bought anything else yet so just playing games for practice at this point.
  15. I knew that looked familiar! Think you could duplicate some of the smaller buildings along the side to fill the tile out for a capital city? For a second tile I know I’ll want a burial themed tile so maybe just a bunch of pyramids, sphinxes, obelisks like in the other one you mocked up? Definitely looking uninhabited.
  16. Sounds good! I think our armies will be better matched than the matchups last week.
  17. I'll be around for 40k if anyone else is looking for a game.
  18. This is really nice! So quick question about your thoughts on something the core book campaign doesn't really specify, so are there buffer territories between the kingdoms? How do we determine what's in the 5th ring territories? Because there's a lot of cool minor details/benefits to them but they can only appear in the outer ring. We don't choose them at army building either, but people are each definitely going to have at couple they want to gain control of so we'll need them on the board.
  19. Oh, nice, I was actually already collecting some links and notes! Just DM'd you what I had so far. Mostly oathmarks and few tiles, my kingdom might not be all Egyptian.
  20. I’ll want to paint mine to match the colors on my bases, banners, oathmarks etc. I have a lot of painting time lately so it shouldn’t take long.
  21. Yeah, I figured repurpose the hills and rivers tiles for dunes, ports. It’s the buildings and ruins/monuments I’m most curious about. I’ll have to look around for stls to integrate. I’m fine being last on your list to print since I’ll paint them to save you time anyway. This does get me thinking about stls for my oathmarks too.
  22. Sweet! Are there any Egyptian/Arabian -esq tiles? Whatever kingdom I go with it’d be fun to paint a desert vibe.
  23. Yeah these are really looking great! I better figure out my kingdom! How many of these are you 3D-bashing yourself vs the originals? I took a look at the kickstarter image and there’s nowhere near this many in that tiny catalog image.
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