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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. Unfortunately they have exempted our west coast states from the free shipping at $99. So the extra 5% discount for their summer sale is wasted by the shipping fees. If we’re going to order online we’re better off ordering from one of the standard 15% and free shipping shops.
  2. Awesome! I’ll get there early and start setting up the board as soon as @Blustorm opens so we have as much time as possible to finish the game.
  3. I’ll definitely be there looking for some 40k. Probably around 1500pts as my last two 2000pts games had to end early. @Ish If you’re still looking for a 2k game with the golden boys we can probably do 2k since the turns will be shorter.
  4. Well I work Tuesday every week and no one shows up for 40k on Sundays so welcome to the club 😝
  5. Yeah, it was a fun challenge and I’d be happy to play again with fewer points or more time so we can finish the game!
  6. Looking for a 40k game, can be there anytime. Preferably a core/gt mission rather than crusade.
  7. I know game length can be an issue some nights but I generally prefer the larger point games. I definitely learn more and the armies seem a bit more balanced.
  8. I'd be interested in some 40k as well. Not really familiar with crusade yet so I'd prefer a classic game.
  9. I'm very interested, have been thinking about a second army, but it's a bit out of my price range right now with everything that's going on. Would you take 175 for it?
  10. Thats a 3 year edition cycle, with a full year of waiting for some factions. If all things were equal and the points changes were applied more intelligently or timed with the new codexes I would agree with this, but it’s very easy for anyone playing Custodes or SM/Imperial variants to say that right now because their points increases were low relative to other factions and they get several great undercosted new units in Indomitus right now. A lot of other armies saw large points increases to units which were already inefficient and not seen at tournaments for years. All the horde armies also lost their specialist detachments they needed in order to compete with Imperium. In addition to the obvious point inefficiency for Imperium vs anything else this creates, these two changes also have compounding effects. First there are fewer viable choices for non-imperium players to use which forces those players to rely on a smaller variety of units & stratagems. It also has the intended marketing effect of driving a bunch of people to abandon their old factions/lists and go buy the new more points efficient units. Because a larger portion of potential opponents are then using the undercosted Imperium units, all the remaining non-imperium players have to restrict their lists even more to the few units which are viable in order to stand a chance. And the final effect is that the imperium players - who have quadruple the units to choose from and can soup a points efficient unit for any role at 1CP - those players complain that the non-imperium lists are so identical or gimmicky or that someone brought three of X unit. Non-imperium players don’t have a choice when they can reasonably expect more than half of opponents to be playing with mathematically superior units and stratagems. This is frankly terrible game design, forced to play second fiddle to market/sales demands of investors. Which is also why the new app is a joke. Psychic Awakening did a lot to help out non-Imperium factions but the points changes undid that progress by making those units too points inefficient again. There were also a lot of playtesters talking about 9th being a much more balanced game than 8th. Its disappointing to see the factions in most need of improvements will be waiting until next year because the codex release schedule will instead still be determined by what manipulates people into impulse buying far more models than they’ll ever use.
  11. So their stated reason for Necrons not getting any new content in PA was that the new Necron codex would be available “very soon” after indomitus dropped - it and the SM codex won’t even be up for preorder until October . . . Which pretty much guarantees some folks will be waiting all of 2021 to finally get theirs . . .
  12. Sounds good. I don’t think GT changed anything for my list, wasn’t running any specialist detachments
  13. I’d like to get another game in as well. I’ve got about 1800pts in 8th points built, or anything fewer than that I’m down. 8th or 9th missions.
  14. I’d be happy to swing by for some 40k in the 1000-1750pts range if anyone else is interested.
  15. I’m always down for some 40k if anyone is looking for a 1500-1750pts game. I don’t quite have enough models for 2000pts yet. Could be there whenever.
  16. Great, I’ll get there as early as I can but it probably won’t be before 6pm. I’m not all that familiar with the missions/deployment so feel free to pick whichever you prefer.
  17. I’d be happy to play some 40k. I can’t be there until 6 but that should be plenty of time for a 1000pt game if either of you’d like to stick around for a second game.
  18. Never played against orks so it’d be fun either way - bring whichever you prefer!
  19. Looking to play ~1500-1750 points of 40k, can be there pretty much anytime!
  20. I'd be interested in playing some 40k, Could be there around 6pm at the earliest. My army is a little odd though as we only ever got to 750 points in the escalation and that’s how I was starting the game. I can field about 1750pts max and it’s a weird mix since I’m not buying/building anything more until I know what 9th is doing to my faction.
  21. So how does Oathmark relate to Frostgrave? Designed by the same guy right? I know they both have a bunch of squad-sized kits. Frostgrave the smaller skirmish version?
  22. Popped over and read his design blog a bit, looks pretty interesting! I usually enjoy the fantasy settings but have been informed away from AoS based on the gameplay. Did you get any local interest in this game before the lockdown? I hate it when there’s a great game system but no one available to play it.
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