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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. Now that they've received a 25% point reduction across the board, six battleforces all their own, more named characters than the entire model line of any other faction, and even more special snowflake rules on the way - surely the salt will cease and Space Fascist players will finally be contented . . .
  2. FYI, the trick with those evangelicals is to cordially answer the door, in the nude.
  3. @Kevin the Wizard @Zee Sorry guys, sounded like a lot of fun but that building is going to be bitter cold tonight. We'll have to have a blowout rematch soon!
  4. Since the three of us won’t be using the crusade rules anyway, let’s just do a 2k game. Each of you can bring 1k that way.
  5. Yeah, it's just like one person playing against a two-headed giant. I've played like that before, it's fun. @Michael and I were talking about playing last week, bit if he isn't around this week I'll be happy to play against you both and we can use whatever point total lets you guys bring the good stuff. Of if not @BigMick37 would probably play you as well.
  6. Oh dear god, that sucks! I have an old asus aspire netbook you could have if you want. Windows 7 and might have less ram than 3D editing prefers but ran well last time I charged it, and at least handles the web/docs just fine.
  7. Sounds good, should probably play a few practice games again, but eventually will you have the schedule to get a campaign going again? I might need a couple new kingdom hex tiles printed. Have they released any new ones in the meantime?
  8. I know shadowspear was released a while ago, but pretty sure both halves of the box re-released as start collecting boxes for like $95 each. $176 for half a box seems really high for all monopose models that don't include the weapon options from the full kits. For example Mindtaker has the Start Collecting Vanguard Space Marines for $81. I think you might need to double check that google total.
  9. @Michael are you around this Thursday? I can be there around 4pm this time.
  10. Ah, yeah most weeks I'm there at 4pm so we'll have to clash in a future battle.
  11. Yeah, 1500pts, and if you don't find your sheet your can always start with a boatload of extra CP !
  12. I can be there around 5pm, and I think our armies have never faced each other!
  13. @Ish You want to get some oathmark games going again? I can be around this Thursday by 5ish but probably won't be available the following couple weeks.
  14. I'd be interested to try some games as well, Thursdays at Ordo are best for me. Anyone else available then?
  15. Heya, anyone else have some spare time this holiday season and want to get some Oathmark games in? The Ordo clubhouse on Thursday nights are the best for me but Sat/Sun may be possible as well.
  16. No worries, I realized that as soon as he posted. All the other early arrivers are busy too, that’s just too long to wait for one game. I’ll catch ya’ll another week
  17. Sorry @BigMick37, something's come up and I won't be able to make it this week. Fortunately @Salty Monkey will be around to play legion too though
  18. Want to move up to 1250pts? I've been gone a month now and we were on 1k pts when we last played.
  19. I'll be there looking for a couple crusade games. @BigMick37 battle at 4 when doors open? @lameCody @lamejosh @SixCoal @Kevin the Wizard Anyone arriving later and interested in a game around 6-630? Not sure who else is still playing crusade.
  20. So I am selling one of these new Slaves to Darkness Battletome with the Warscrolls and Datacards etc looking for $40-50.
  21. So I am selling one of these new Slaves to Darkness Battletome with the Warscrolls and Datacards etc looking for $40-50.
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