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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. Yeah, I actually like Toughness but I'm not upset about that going away. What is unappealing is the ridiculous number of weapon and armor trait interactions - combined with the new glancing/regular/penetrating/critical hit types. Again they had the opportunity to simplify but added more complexity than they removed. And don't even get me started on the unnecessarily complex casual vs competitive datasheet & upgrade classifications . . . -1 damage was already simulating the armor absorption. Classifying all weapons as either anti-infantry or anti-vehicle would have been sufficient to fix current issues. But you can't sell $200 of new books unless you overhaul everything and give the new models all the kewl rules.
  2. Yup, and the end of editions are much more balanced that the beginning of them. That's why I'll just be relying on the digital archives of 8th/9th. Lots of depth, well balanced, but totally static.
  3. Personally, I'll be looking forward to the 8th & 9th archives on wahapedia/battlecribe. 😜
  4. Get ready to compare all six of your weapon trait icons to each target's four armor icons, next add up all your half-hits & double hits, then discuss the after-armor saving rolls . . . but don't worry there's no toughness and we all get proofread-free slightly-playtested faction rules at once! And if you think I'm kidding about that new attack sequence - think again! Oh, and I forgot to mention for all you Spess Marhreen players out there the privilege & joy of replacing all your terminator models with primaris . . .
  5. Snow's melted what's y'alls excuse now ?!?!
  6. Looks like GW & 40k is finally shedding their sexist tendencies and entering the 21st century . . . Introducing the Misters Of Battle !!! Seriously, this would be waaay more interesting than the current "All dudes are jocks. All women are nuns, evil, or both" approach!
  7. @Michael Saw you were looking for a 40k game last couple Thurs but I already had something lined up those days - you around this week?
  8. Literally the same source a few days apart: Then yesterday while I was at work: So . . . much . . . TRIGGERED . . . and [overcharging] impulse buys evidently . . .
  9. Yeah but the best thing about this one is it triggered both of the top 66% on your list a couple weeks ago, Now they reversed it and the same 66% is oppositely triggered . . .
  10. What drama, what titillation, whatever will spess mahreen sympathizers do ?!?! Join us next week for the thrilling conclusion!
  11. I’ll be there looking for 40k - preferably 2k of Tempest Of War, but can do matched play if folks insist.
  12. I’ll be there looking for 40k - preferably 2k of Tempest Of War, but can do matched play if folks insist.
  13. @ImperialTrooper Don't forget your rebels! #miniswap #tradebacks
  14. I want to like OPR so much but it's just too samey - every faction has access to all of the special abilities like FNP or Psykers. And their addiction to only using values of 1 or 3 on wounds/damage, and only values of 1 or 4 on AP is too arbitrarily limiting. Even multi-damage wounds/shots are always factors of three. They should at least have some variability in the unit stats. That would still be just as straightforward and avoid all the weird rules interactions and gotcha moments - but would be far more interesting, flavorful, and make factions unique.
  15. @Kevin the Wizard I am going off the recent updates and detachment but it’s not my Voltrons anymore . . .
  16. Not yet but they are getting a starter army box sometime this year! I'm definitely picking it up and a bunch of wookies then!
  17. I’ll be there looking for 40k - preferably 2k of Tempest Of War, but can do matched play if folks insist.
  18. $35 for 10 troops is sooo 2000-&-Late. Gotta sell them Elite $60 3-Man & $70 Hovercar Space Nazi kits.
  19. Now that they've received a 25% point reduction across the board, six battleforces all their own, more named characters than the entire model line of any other faction, and even more special snowflake rules on the way - surely the salt will cease and Space Fascist players will finally be contented . . .
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