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Everything posted by Kampfer

  1. Ah shoot never mind I have a company dinner to attend tonight. I’ll play Thursday instead.
  2. GG @Brother_Sobek Closed up just before 1:00am I did bent the knee to THE Silent King in the end but not without making a last stand and giving him the finger before I got assimilated.
  3. Feel free to game with @Brother_Sobek if I am late from my meeting. I am flexible to just be a spare for anything or just work on my basing/painting
  4. Lets call it 6:30? No rush since my work dropped me a 5pm presentation bomb on me for tomorrow...
  5. I'll play you 2K necron Vs Necron since I am behind on the crusade already.
  6. I am in. Starting late with my Necrons for the crusade, will try to catch up. Probably there at early 4pm
  7. I'll come take a look of what I've been missing on my way out to Canada tomorrow night.
  8. I'll play some KT. What time? So I don't hang out at Mindtaker for too long.
  9. Anyone one wanna 40K or Killteam. Else I'll just be working on basing and terrain stuff there
  10. I'll drop by for the paint if you happen to have them with you.
  11. In for 40K Silent King finishing up if @Salty Monkey is up for it. @MichaelI can bring extra KillTeams too for you to chose from.
  12. I'll play some 40K and also be picking up some prints form the locker. Edit: Shoot I got a 5pm meeting. Probably be there around 6:30...
  13. Back in town. KT with the newly painted Nids. Still painting my Silent King...
  14. In with Any point Necrons, KT, building, repairing, whatever.
  15. Heading out to Canada so I might be able to cram in a game of KT on my way out waiting for traffic to die down.
  16. I have KT markers but don't have compendium book so I don't know how hunter clade works either. Will be my first time playing against them.
  17. @SixCoal I'll play KT or 500pt with you.
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