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Everything posted by SixCoal

  1. I'll be there to hang out, didn't manage to get 2k points together but I'm curious how 10e plays out.
  2. I can do 5:30 at the earliest. It takes me a little to get ready after work.
  3. On the offchance that anyone is actually looking for me, I'm probably just bringing some stuff to paint. Also I'm under the impression KT is going to be sick and I'm probably just going to end up peering around shoulders like a creeper.
  4. Well ok. Yes, you are doing something much cooler. But I figured I could still be social and bother you.
  5. I'm bringing 1k of admech, but I'm down to be social and bring supplies to try to pick up some hot painting tips from @Kevin the Wizard.
  6. Unfortunately, I don't get off work until 5, but I'll shoot for 5:30?
  7. I'll be there with 1k of admech @DarkAngel_Enthusiast, if you want to line that up?
  8. I'll be there with 1k of admech for a pickup game if it happens, but I'm content to just lurk.
  9. I'm back around and might drop in with a 1k of admech, but if there's no games to be had I'm just happy to see you all again!
  10. Nuts. Hope you didn't get caught out. Cya then.
  11. I wasn't going to play my crusade list, but I'm down for tempest against a crusade list. I missed like 2 weeks from holidays anyway, it's not a big deal.
  12. Would you be down trying a 1k list with some proxies?
  13. neat. 4+ enriched rounds and lucius stacks with cover, which I thought already happened and I guess I was inadvertently cheating. This is exactly what I needed??
  14. No, you're thinking of The Hu. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hu), the Mongolian folk metal band. The Who is definitely on first.
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