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Everything posted by SixCoal

  1. @Zee, I'm down. I might be able to muster 1k by tomorrow.
  2. Rockin, I'm down for either. Potentially both. I still don't have KT markers and haven't read up on the admech hunter clade stuff yet though so take that as you will.
  3. @Michael, I'm packing up, but I'm also in a fight at work so I'm already running like an hour late.
  4. If you're around at like 4:30, I think there might be time to squeeze a game of stumbling through rules in before my second game starts?
  5. In for 40k 500pts, or KT. If no one's around I'll be sitting around trying to figure out how to magnetize an archeopter.
  6. I'd like every week, but also understand that schedules tend not to be flexible. Just let me know what day I need to clear and I can probably make it.
  7. I'll be there to hang out for 500pt 40k or KT. @Michael, if you want to do the challenge game we were talking about last week and do something like 1 pushup per 10 points lost or something along those lines, I'm down and will dress appropriately.
  8. I am 100% interested in this kind of thing and am totally available whenever it's going to happen. Any kind of fluff is good fluff, but I think half the fun of it is getting into the fluff. After all, spreadsheets the game is neat but it's so much better doodling angry men screaming at things in the margins. Tempest of war is the random objectives right? I don't think I can go much over 1000 points, but it should be fine right?
  9. I'll be in the 500 pt crew too if there's a 4th person that wants to come party down here
  10. Second one worked and was an actual invite, the link from the banner didn't do much for me.
  11. Is discord better for organization in general? If yes, I could use a link. Otherwise looking for KT or 500pt 40k slowhammer.
  12. I totally did this a few times and had a fun time, would definitely recommend. I'm down for KT, or I've finally got 500 points of admech assembled if someone wants to play slowly and show me the ropes!
  13. I'll be there for KT learning games, but if y'all don't mind me hovering around 40k being explained I want to learn how to play too.
  14. I'm in for KT learning games provided there's a pile of tokens and measuring sticks to use somewhere >_>
  15. Totally down here! I got my first squad all assembled and painted up for some KT and just need a person to sit and be patient with me.
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