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I am a Flaky Warhamster but I am here to stay


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I am a Flaky Warhamster, no relation to the Cronut, and I wanted to say a few words about having to bail on games.


I know that I have had to cancel on at least 3 games in the last month and for that I am truly sorry. In every case there was simply nothing to be done but after thinking about it for a bit I've come to realize that it's actually a function of how I schedule my time. I tend to be an optimist and as such have taken to over-scheduling my gaming in much the same way that airlines overbook and that, I have come to see, is just not cool.


Between my wife, son, job and hobbies, I am often left with zero time at the end of the day and I do realize that better scheduling on my part will greatly improve this problem. I really enjoy gaming with all of my fellow WarHamsters and hope that this short missive will serve as both apology and impetus for a good chuckle. See you all sometime soon - Game On!

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O.K. maybe its the Nyquil but I don't think we had a game Jim and if we did I'm so sorry. I thought the 2k point 40k last Tues that we bumped was our only scheduled game. I must be loosing it. So Sorry.


EDIT: Obviously it must be the NyQuil. I though you meant me. No more posting for me - I'm off to get some sleep. Damn Nurgle and his flu

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