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IPad and Warhwammer

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So with my tax returns I got myself an iPad for me and my son to use. (Awesome deal on eBay.) Well I am really liking it a lot.


So my question is have other players had any experience with them or other ePads on the market with their gaming. I know I have found a free app for my Army Builder to transfer lists on to for me to use. Also I am disappointed in the cost of the eArmy Books but does anyone own one or the core rule book. Just wondering if they would come even close to being worth their price.

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I purchased an iPad recently and picked up the dwarf army book. Not happy with the price but the convenience is pretty nice. I see the biggest advantage as not having to lug around a lot of books. The iBook itself is pretty easy to navigate and find things and all of the rules are hot linked within the unit entry. I anticipate that all my future book purchases will be in this format.

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I have both Eldar codices on my iPad… but I am annoyed at the price as well.  I don't plan to purchase any more books this way.  Mostly because… IF I wanted out of the game - I can't recoup any money on the digital books.  At least with the real book I could sell it at 50% price… heck even 75% off lol.  I will only purchase books that I know I will always want in my collection.  Although I am also leery of that - because will that book be supported in 10 years on any platform?  At least right now - I can go grab my 1st ed Eldar Codex… and browse through it and the artwork.  I can't find something to read my old syquest drive… or zip disks currently.. lol





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If I didn't already own Army Builder from before, no more annual renewals, then I would most likely use Battlescribe. But since I own AB I am going to use it and its apps. Only downside I saw to my app last night was having to enter my password every 15 mins or so. So no real downsides so far.


Also after reading reveiws, both here and on iTunes, I think I will stick to my hard copies and not get the e-version since I already own the books. But when 9th ed comes out I will be getting the eBook for its search and highlight functions.

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I recently purchased The Underway on my iPad. And while $8 was worth the amount of content it had (very surprising to me, since they require $5 for a battlescroll with 1-2 pages of content), it is the most inconvenient book layout ever. They do it so it will be un-pdf-able. There are several 'clickable' words or phrases (mainly special rules) that open up the definition of the rule (making it hard to pirate), which is fine. But then there are other 'clickable' things that flip you to other parts of the ebook for reference. So you click on it. And then there's no [big bad swear word]ing way to go back to the page you were on, aside from flipping through the god damn pages. Also, some of the pages have 'slides'. It is one page, but you flip through slides within a page, and there can be anywhere from 8-12 slides, maybe more, which is great. There are even fillable pages, so you can record wins/losses/stats, as well as fun stratagems and corresponding charts. There is a ton of content for $8. But you will end up throwing your iPad at the wall in frustration because it seems when GW had the meeting on how to organize the content, someone brought a monkey and had it throw the content in, much as it would throw its own feces: messy and discouraging.

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But you will end up throwing your iPad at the wall in frustration because it seems when GW had the meeting on how to organize the content, someone brought a monkey and had it throw the content in, much as it would throw its own feces: messy and discouraging.


I had to quote this line. I don't think I've laughed as much in some time.


Excellently rendered sir.

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