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General tactica for people to understand what is required to destroy one of the escalation super heavies. Very important to keep in mind with list creation if you want to have a chance against these, and therefore have a good gaming experience. Super heavies are fun to face IF you have them in mind during list creation.


The Basic Concepts


AP 1 and 2 still add their bonuses to pen. On the pen charge, 1-5 DO NOTHING different from a glance. This means that glance and pen results 1-5 remove a single hull point. On the 6, the super heavy takes the base hull point for the pen/glance and then takes another d3 hull points. This means that against a super heavy, you can potentially remove 4 hull points with a single lucky shot.


Most of the super heavies don't have flyer solutions that are reliable. This means that flying MCs are usually a pretty strong option against super heavies.


Remember that the super heavies all explode when you destroy them. It's a huge 15" blast (5" inner circle is always D strength, outer "rings" are S10-2 depending on a random roll, ap being 2-nothing depending on random roll). It doesn't matter if you glance them to death, or just get explodes results over and over, the explosion for super heavies is always the same. This also means that you can't imobilize, shake, or stun a super heavy (they live at full strength until they die, just like MCs)


Weapons that permentantly lower an AV do not do so against super heavies (entrophic strike), but weapons that shoot as if AV was lower still get that effect (lance weapons).


Remember that the Smash USR allows re-rolls for failed pens. This means that MCs that fail to pen with all their swings in assault, can re-roll the ones that failed.


Super heavy walkers have stomp attacks. Stomps are basically crowd control small blasts placed in base contact with the super heavy if in assault. On 6s, these will outright remove things from play, but on 1-5 they barely harm most units. Super heavy walkers get D3 of these.


Super heavies of this edition have no special resistance or immunity to psychic powers (6+ deny). They do remain vehicles, so powers that don't affect vehicles also don't effect super heavies.


Super heavy Transports will hit the guys inside them with S10 ap2 hits when they are destroyed. This means that if they transport anything, it will likely be dead or badly beaten if you destroy the vehicle. So, don't fret about guys inside and just focus on quickly destroying the vehicle. Transported models mostly just mean that the vehicle is worth more points.... 


If required, you can glance them to death, but this is not advised without a method of abundant glances (like gauss weapons).


Baneblade (and variants):


9 hull points.


Deep striking (or just very fast) AT teams. Everything that works against High AV tanks and walkers would pretty well against these. Think of the baneblade as 3x leman russes with AV12 rear. This one lasts about as long. If you couldn't normally cope with a leman russ trio, this one will provide great difficulty. Krak grenades can glance the rear, so don't hesitate to assault with marines or vet IG if given the option. Very viable target to assault.


Some versions are transports. For shooting out, the back area is where they draw line of sight from, which means they can't draw TLOS to the front arc due to the turret top. This means that if you intend to assault the transport version, it is wise to assault from the front so they can't overwatch very well (see assaulting transports in the BRB).


If transporting models that can repair the vehicle, beware they this super heavy can potentially gain lost HP during the battle.




12 Hull points.

I 1 with 4 base attacks


A big transport. Ranged weapons are varied, but all suffer from ork BS2 - none deny cover or are D weapons. In assault, he's got a D weapon, but he's initiative 1, so even if you can't beat his intiative, you will get to swing. Vehicle is not open-topped, and does have fire points that restrict the towed unit's ability to fire overwatch. Most notable feature is that this super heavy will likely have a KFF, granting it a 5+ cover save.


If transporting models that can repair the vehicle, beware they this super heavy can potentially gain lost HP during the battle.


In terms of killing it, basically same as the bane blade, except more HP, lower front AV and that that front AV is used in assault.


Lord of Skulls

AV 13/13/11

9 hull points

I 3 with 4 base attacks


Several notable features. Ranged weapons don't get better than S9, so AV14 is probably safe at range. Super heavy walker without the Stomp ability. May tank shock/ram instead. Although a walker so AV13 front is used in melee, the rear AV11 means that this thing can die to just about unit shooting in the rear arc. Key with this walker is to come from many directions and force the rear AV to be exposed.


Daemon. This means a 5++ on the super heavy, and potentially a 3++ or 2++ with codex Daemons in play. Also means that abilities that function against daemons also function against this guy. If daemons using grimore with this guy, you need to kill the grimore unit first in order to realistically defeat this super heavy.


It will not die. Yeah, this one can regain lost HP.


In melee, gains +1 attack for each HP lost in the battle, including ones lost and regained. This modifies the base value for attacks, so it can have up to 10 base attacks. Melee weapon is D strength. This one is likely a bad choice to engage with melee units.


Revenant Titan


9 hull points

I 2 with 1 attack


Debateably the best escalation unit. 2x ranged D large blasts per arm. Holofields which provid a 4+ or 3+ save taken in attition to other saves and may be taken against D weapons. 36" of movement that ignores terrain.


Unit represents a large point investment and is without melee D weapons. For solutions, get it in assault. It can't shoot out and can't escape and has so few attacks that it will unlikely ever leave without your permission. An IG blob with commissar would likely keep it locked all game, even with stomp attacks.


That said, it's speed it the problem. Honestly, unit functions very much like a TAU unit. It shoots at range and hops around, but is deathly afraid of melee.


In terms of winning, luck is the main factor. You need to shut down it's shooting and assault/destroy it ASAP or it will wipe you. On the other hand, almost all weapons have a chance to damage it. It also can't really harm flyers with any reliability (has 4x S5 missiles it could snap). Cunning is required to get it in assault, as it's speed will prevent more common tactics. You need to move assault units to assault where it will be in a turn, not where it is now - that the challenge. It can be done and if you lock it, it will likely spell victory for your army.


Thunderhawks and TAU super heavy flyer

Nothing on these.


On paper, the Thunderhawk is easily the biggest escalation threat, while the TAU one is easily the most vulnerable. Both very much depend on your army's ability to cope with enemy flyers. The thunderhawk's big threat is that it can sport a range D weapon, but can't be hit by the escalation D weapons while it's in the air - it also has lots of other weapons, all of which can fire at different targets. The Thunderhawk is also a transport with the assault vehicle rule.


Necron Obelisk

AV 12/12/12

6 HP


Can deploy at the start of the game to have a 3++, but unable to do anything. Very nasty AA option.


Otherwise, a very weak superheavy subject to any number of normal methods of destruction.


Necron Tesseract Vault


9 HP


Lots of varied weapons, including a D hellstrom template weapon and a barrage option (something necrons otherwise lack). In terms of threats, it's really about if you can destroy AV14, as it doesn't have any special defenses other than high AV. Yeah, lots of nasty weapons, but destroying it is just like destroying a building (which is also AV14 on all sides), so just bring your normal AT solutions for AV14 and call it good.


Not trying to belittle it, unit is extremely nasty, but defensively, it's very straight forward. I suppose, notable is that if it is destroyed, the explosion is always the strongest version, so destroy it quickly and when it's near the enemy lines.



 I know its not a super heavy and all that but may as well throw in the Aquila Strongpoint as its AV15 came come as a real surprise to those who haven't had to deal with that before.


   As I start to work my IG and prep for their upcoming releases ill probably  be using the Aquila a lot maybe even with a Stormsword for maximum blastage,hehe


Just spitballing but wouldn't Blood Angels be the Codex of choice for super heavy slaying? Lots of jump pack troops with melta guns in rear armor, flyers with more melta dropping dreads etc...

Oh yeah. Recent game of apoc with my warhound titan. BA dropped with dante and 5x infernus pistol sanguinary guards. Warhound has two built-in void shields and I had a stratagem for shrouding, but he still penned me twice unsaved and removed 4 hull points. They did eventually kill it. That game had banned D weapons, so the warhound was less potent than it could have been.


That said, if DS is a known weak point, lists can be constructed to deny or evade it. Psychic powers can also bolster an already impressive super heavy.


Basically, their two ways to build a list with an escalation unit: one where the super heavy supports the army, and one where the army supports the super heavy. In example, a baneblade is usually cheap enough for a support role, while a reverant is usually supported by their army because the army can't function without the revenant due to how many points it represents.



 I know its not a super heavy and all that but may as well throw in the Aquila Strongpoint as its AV15 came come as a real surprise to those who haven't had to deal with that before.


   As I start to work my IG and prep for their upcoming releases ill probably  be using the Aquila a lot maybe even with a Stormsword for maximum blastage,hehe

Aquilla Strongpoint is very simple. You need to penetrate it. Same with all buildings. 2/7 results destroy it, 2/7 reduce it's AV, and I think 6/7 force it to be unable to fire it's blast weapons. Don't rely on S10 weapons, including smash, as 1/6 to pen isn't reliable enough. Lance weapons work amazing against buildings, as do melta guns and similar weapons.


You could try to take it, like steal it, but that's not something you build the list around, because really it depends too much on the opponent's inability to defend it. Having a DS unit that doesn't scatter much is the best way to capture them, as merely landing on an unoccupied building will convert it to yours.


So, you build a DS unit to destroy it, but if unoccupied, you take it instead.


At 2k, 2-4 of said DS/speedy/long range units is probably competitive for escalation. They shouldn't all use the same weapon type, in the off chance that the opponent has an immunity for some reason.


So, for IG something like a bastion breacher medusa, 1 unit of 5 storm troopers with 2x melta guns, a manticore, and a valk with drop plasma team.


One key thing with buildings is that you can lower their AV, but fail to destroy them with pens. This means that you should always fire the weapons with the best odds to pen first, then the others in descending order. This means that the weaker weapons are more likely to penetrate the building. So, with the above 4 units, probably the bastion breacher medusa, then the stormtroopers, then the manticore, then the drop plasma team (if AV is likely to be low enough). Hopefully, it will die with the first shot, but you have them because it needs to die.


The listed units are mostly normal IG units. Opponent might have direct, indirect, melta, or DS defenses. IF void shields are being used on the building, the plasma squad shoots first to collapse them, then the order above.


Also, if you need the shots elsewhere, just fire long enough to force it to snapfire, you don't have to destroy it, but it won't be able to snap it's D weapons as they are all blast weapons.



This was nice. I am playing in an event in April that plays with all the 40k rules. I purchased the super Bloodthirster to run with my 2 thirsters and 2 flying demon princes. Sure I only have. 2 squads of troops but hoping the portaglyph poops out more.my strategy is to punch them in the face.

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This was nice. I am playing in an event in April that plays with all the 40k rules. I purchased the super Bloodthirster to run with my 2 thirsters and 2 flying demon princes. Sure I only have. 2 squads of troops but hoping the portaglyph poops out more.my strategy is to punch them in the face.

A word of warning with the princes. They are T5, so when a super heavy explodes, if they roll the "titanic" explosion, the initial blast of 5" will be D, as normal, but the secondary blast from 5"-10" will be S10 ap2, so princes assaulting super heavies are potentially vulnerable to the explosion at much greater risk than your other FMCs.


I had a game where my baneblade (a variant) did just this, which failed to damage the blood thirster attacking the flank, but liquified the prince attacking from the front in melee.


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