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So I Guess I Am Empire For OFCC

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So I got the word on my OFCC Team and what everyone is bringing and it turns out one of our players who is new to WFB is playing DEs.


Now since he is new to WFB and only has one army that he just got, along with other things, I am going to take my new Empire army to OFCC. I also just found out I was made captain some time ago and no one told me. :D (I was actually very amused by that.)


So back on topic I am new to Empire and could use some advice.


First I will be taking DGKs, cannon & HB, Knights & Halberds for core and a Steam Tank.


For character choices I was thinking a wizard, Arch Lector, Capt BSB, Master Engineer and a Witch Hunter.


Beyond this my knowledge is limited, I know the models and their rules but their effectiveness is what I do not know. Any thoughts, not so much needing anyone to build me a list, just would like experienced advice.

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Get the models on the table and see for yourself how they work. What works for me may not work for you. Also you need to get the feel for the Detachment rules. Pick a theme and an Empire province and have at it. Remember that the Empire does not have to be a gun line. Well, those are just some immediate thoughts off of the top of my noodle. Have fun and let the enemy fear the 'mighty cod-pieces of doom!'

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ML- you pretty much hit the all stars list of competitive choices all ready. Most serious empire lists look a lot like that very list.

Not unlike

Archlector on wagon, ToP, charmed shield

Arch wizard lvl 4 light on foot, Scroll

Capt BSB on horse or foot

Warrior priest on horse

Master engineer

Witch hunter with ruby ring

50 Halberds

10-12 IC knights, FC, steel standard

10 archers

5 archers

5 archers


2 cannon

Steam tank



That's A near copy pasta of 2/3rds of most internet lists if thats what your looking for Okay, because it surely is the one of the strongest choices you can make.

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I also think MN knows me well enough to know I don't listen to most of the internet, mostly those sites where you don't know anyone in person, and will try models considered bad.


I have a unit and need the chaff. They're in.


Thanks for the response Hero, and good to know my list ideas are tested. Still need to do something with it to make it mine and not a copy/paste. I want to have fun at OFCC and want a challenging and competitive list.

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If you want to really make it yours build a list that appeals to you. Nothing worse than an army that isn't personally awesome


I recommend a double helping of pistoliers.

I also find double outriders to be the bomb and the diggity


I really want to see a kislev theme but no ones got the juevos rancheros for that.

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I played Empire for 5 years. Pistoleers never did me any wrong. They have great shooting output and can redirect with the best of them. A unit of 5 (champion w/brace of repeater pistols and a musician). They do wonders. 12 S4 AP shots....they can kill knights better than most fast cav could ever dream of.

I wasn't saying they sucked not at all. Maybe on point too much but not rubbish. Granted they don't HIT well but with enough guns does it matter?

But they are much panned by many many people cause its not cannons or DGK.

Often I see the 5 man core knights with musician playing chaff. Which in some ways is epically awesome in others totally ludicrous.

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