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So I'm not going to say that scouts are my favorite models to paint but generally I'm not happy on how they go together. You don't really have many options putting them together and their heads are atrocious. However they aren't as bad as some I've done in the past (3rd edition land speeders and bikes, blech) so only doing 5 wasn't too bad.

I really like how the capes turned out and I think the sniper rifle work well to break up the model. And it's something different than just red and black.

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As far as I'm concerned, it's all about the metal ones Jes Goodwin did toward the end of 2nd Ed. The current plastics are like a low-budget knockoff of those. I just wish he'd done more than two poses each for the non-CCW options.

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Yeah, I have those too but I painted them so long ago that they look a bit rougher than the current set paint wise.
Edit: Example here

Circa 2006 (Hvy bolter is 2008)



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Sorry if this sounds super narcissistic but every time I see my picture of those tac Marines, the more I like how they turned out. They just worked out really well, even with the mistakes I made.

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  • 3 weeks later...


This is the last of my first set of "Summer of painting" dudemans. Next up is a storm raven, a termie captain, termie chaplain, termie librarian, a sanguinary priest and a squad of jump meltagun assault marines.

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