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Codices or Indices


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For example: Is there a reason to buy Codex: Space Marines ($50) over Index: Imperium 1 & 2 ($25 /each), basically the same price.

Same with Index: Xenos 1 & 2

I haven't compared them in person, but it seems like the Indices offer more data/stats on a broader range of armies, the individual codices offer more pretty pictures and are focused solely on that particular army.

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10 minutes ago, abstract said:

For example: Is there a reason to buy Codex: Space Marines ($50) over Index: Imperium 1 & 2 ($25 /each), basically the same price.

Same with Index: Xenos 1 & 2

I haven't compared them in person, but it seems like the Indices offer more data/stats on a broader range of armies, the individual codices offer more pretty pictures and are focused solely on that particular army.

The index does contain more datasheets. It's older and includes rules for otherwise unsupported GW products. The index does not contain stratagems, relics, warlord traits, or bonus rules for having a pure detachment of a given faction. Index also usually doesn't feature a very impressive array of psychic powers (3 per faction is common in the index), which can be limiting given the rules preventing the casting of duplicate powers in a given army.

Aside from including the above for currently supported GW products, the codex also features point reductions for various units, bonus rules and so forth. For example, Obliterators' ranged weapons in Index Chaos are assault 2 while they are assault 4 in the Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

Basically, if you are just testing the waters for a given army, the index is enough. If you want to actually play in a somewhat competitive scene, you will need the codex (and sometimes the index too, for access to the not-really-supported units).

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19 minutes ago, abstract said:

For example: Is there a reason to buy Codex: Space Marines ($50) over Index: Imperium 1 & 2 ($25 /each), basically the same price..

Oh, PS, the Index 1 will have all the marine info in it. Your codex SM will have the SM stuff for the chapters represented by the codex (which does not cover the chapters which have their own codex, like the Dark Angels or the Grey Knights).

Imperium 2 has the other, non-SM imperium stuff in it. Like astra militarum, fortifications, and sisters of battle. Dated imperial knight rules too.

The Codex SM is the most expensive codex. The others are $40, even those other SM chapter codex (like Dark Angels or Grey Knights) are that $40. Codex SM is just a thicker book.

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The change from Seventh Edition to Eighth Edition saw a dramatic change in the underlying game mechanics. Overnight, every single existing codex became unusable. 

The indices were intended as a temporary “stop gap” when the current edition was released, so that everyone could continue to play with their existing model collections. They couldn’t bring twenty-plus codices to market on Day One, but they could knock out the very basic indices quickly.

Basically, if a codex exists for your army you should use it and not the index. If no codex for your army exists, you can still play, and you’ll need the index.

Having said that, if your a “filthy casual” (like myself) and don’t plan to ever play tournaments and only play infrequently, you should be able to play a codex army using the rules from the appropriate index. Ask your opponent first, of course, but I doubt anyone would say “no” in a friendly pick-up game. 

The codices also have fluff, painting guides, and pretty pictures. YMMV as to how valuable you find all that.

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Thank you to Paxmiles, Ish, Necrontyr for the replies.

I have been painting the miniatures as a hobby. I have mostly Space Marines, with some Orks (2 x black reach), was thinking of buying Dark Imperium and First Strike.

Kill Team looks interesting, and a shallow end of the pool to try out playing. I was planning my purchases, and didn't know which way to go with Codices over Indices when it comes to priorities.

Thank you again for the replies and clarification.

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2 hours ago, abstract said:

Sgt Rock,

I plan on progressing to larger games of wh40k eventually. I wouldn't buy the Codices & Indices right away.

Something to keep in mind when army creating is that certain loadouts aren't legal for 40k or kill team, so it's important to keep that in mind when assembling your models. 

For example, the SM tactical squad comes with maybe 4 different special weapons. If you give one to each of 4 marines, it won't be a legal tactical squad because they can only equip 1 of those 4 weapons. Or giving too many guys melee weapons. Common noob assembly issues. You can always buy more regular guys to "dillute" your selections, but it means buying more models.

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@Sgt Rock and any others,

For Kill Team, I was thinking about the First Strike box, to get some Primaries Marines and the Kill Team core manual, then for my second round of purchases, Dark Imperium to expand upon my Primaris Marines (and Plague Marines) and to also get the WH40k rule book (bundled). Is this a good idea, or would it be better to get one of the pre-made Kill Team squads (ie: death watch) then the First Strike box?

I have a bunch of non-primaris Marines (need to finish painting them), so I was thinking of killing 2 birds with one stone (per se) with Primaries Marines in the 2 box sets I mentioned,  initially the Primaris marines in First Strike would allow me to start playing Kill Team, while I finish painting the rest of my non-primaries marines for the larger 40k games.

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