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LF MC Devourers H: Nids, GSC, Marines, and Cash


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On 5/24/2019 at 7:11 AM, PumpkinHead said:

Title says it all. I am looking for the devourers that go to Tyranid MCs. Or a Fex with 4 devourers and enhansed senses head. I know they are the hardest guns to get, so I am not expecting much, but if people can point me to where I could buy some that would work too.

I went with deathspitters for this very reason. 

FW makes some: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Tyranid-Twin-linked-Devourers Too pricey for me, but that is one option. 

If that doesn't work, I have been considering buying another big bug. Which kit do they come in? I would be willing to sell you the devourer bits of one such kit. (not sure how many you need). Definitely something I'd need to wait until the start of next month for, though. 



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2 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

The carnifex kit. 

Now that Fexen are in 2-packs, do you know how many sets of devourers you'd get in the kit? If it's just one set, those FW ones start looking affordable.

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1 hour ago, PumpkinHead said:

I too have debated the devourer vs deathspitter. Half the shots for +1 S, -1AP, and +6" seems like a good deal but attrition seems to do just as well at tanks and better on hordes.

Meh, I mainly picked the deathspitter because it's more fun to paint with my paint scheme. Beyond that, I do like having the extra range. 

Honestly, though, I wish we had monstrous spinefists. I could really use a pistol weapon on my hive tyrant. 

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Not that it would be cheaper, but have you considered the Exocrine? I've had really good results with mine. A lot easier to acquire the parts for, and with fexen in those two packs, it's kinda cheaper for the Exocrine because you only need to buy 1...


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8 minutes ago, PumpkinHead said:

I have an exocrine, but I built a list that has 8 fexes and 3 flyrants and I would rather play the fexes to see how things go before I change my list.

That explains your need.

So how many sets of these MC devourers do you need for that list?

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The new list:

Flyrant, Old One Eye

2x3 rippers, 10 gants

3 fexes with scyth talons

2x flyrant

2x3 rippers, 10 gants

4 devil fexes

Tyranofex with acid spray


All big boys all fun. It will probably get chewed up and spit out, but it looks fun to me. The melee fexes plus flyrants should give me decent punch in melee if they make it there, and all the dakka from the dakkafexen plus flyrants putting out 120 ish shots should be enough to make people fail saves.

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13 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

The new list:

Flyrant, Old One Eye

2x3 rippers, 10 gants

3 fexes with scyth talons

2x flyrant

2x3 rippers, 10 gants

4 devil fexes

Tyranofex with acid spray


Does look fun. So, how many sets of devourers do you have currently? Looks like you'd need 6(pairs) for the hive tyrants and another 8(pairs) for the fexes, but since you've been playing for a while, I'm doubting you need all of them (since you should already have a few). 

 FW has them effectively at $12 per pair (sold in packs of 2 pair, designed for flyrants). Free shiping if you spend $120+.

If I bought a 2-pack of fexes, which is more than I want to spend, and gave/sold you the devourers you'd still only have 2 pair if I'm understanding the contents right. You'd still need 12x more.

So unless you only need 2-pair, I think you should look into conversion options. Better that they all match, anyway.

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I dug my way through the garage, fighting back many a crazed dianoga. I found my tub of all things Tyranids bits. If it is from a sprue that I didn't use it was clipped off and stored for safe keeping. I proceeded to open the vault and go swimming like Scrooge McDuck in his money. I happened to stumble upon the devourers I was looking for. Not one pair, not two pairs, but 8 pairs of MC devourers. So needles to say, I am good and this thread is no longer needed.

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