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Just another Brad

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Hey everyone, 


I'm new to the forum just thought I'd say hi.  I'm 24 and a senior in the EE program at Western.  As far as 40k goes, I play Tyranids.  Started playing 40k in 2nd/3rd edition and took a 10 year break and starting up an army again.  As of right now I only have 1500-2000 points assembled but if anyone wants to play a game i'm always down.  Ill be going to Dark Tower on Tuesday nights and am available almost any other day during summer. 


New Brad

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I like Hive Guard. They have their purposes. They are no longer a must have, but they aren't a bad choice. With the new damage table you are just working on removing hull points, which is kind of annoying that our dedicated anti tank gun can't explode a closed topped vehicle. I plan on trying them out again now that I can fill the role of zoanthropes and venomthropes with the new forgeworld malanthrope. 

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Hive guard got better from 6th to 7th, because now hull pointing stuff out is a more common method. Before, just getting 1 pen result while having 6 shots available made larger units less useful. Personally I think they're a bottom of the slot choice (though probably above Haruspex or whatever it's called). Venomthropes and Zoanthropes will get you more bang for your buck in the Elite slot.


Just reiterating Pumpkinhead for the most part. Hive Guard can also be useful for doubling out T4. Not too much of it out there since most SM stuff that's multiwound is T5 or better. But, you can clear out paladins and meganobs all day. And they ignore cover which can be handy against things like nob bikers, or some other stuff I'm sure.


Also, as BS 3 they're stretching their point value. Dakkafexes will net you better results for removal of vehicles overall, and free up those elite slots. 1 dakkafex costs about the same as 3 hive guard. And you are looking at on average 3 hits from guard, 9 hits from the one dakkafex. Against AV 10 or 11 that's an improvement in glances (before cover) and at 12 it's a wash. At 13/14 hive guard win out since dakkafexes can't touch 13/14 with shooting. But you DO have S9 with D3 hammer of wrath attacks left. Same toughness, better armor save on the dakkafexes.

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I like Hive Guard. They have their purposes. They are no longer a must have, but they aren't a bad choice. With the new damage table you are just working on removing hull points, which is kind of annoying that our dedicated anti tank gun can't explode a closed topped vehicle. I plan on trying them out again now that I can fill the role of zoanthropes and venomthropes with the new forgeworld malanthrope. 

i'm confused by forgeworld...  are they a third party site that just makes new 40k units and everyone just uses them? or are you actually contracted by games workshop? are the units and rules for their units such as the malanthrope legit to use in tourniment play?

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Neither - they're not 3rd party and they aren't contracted. Rather, they ARE a branch of GW. Think of them as the artistic/creative side that retains the passion and soul that made GW great. Tournaments differ in regards to what they do with Forge World stuff, though these days it's pretty much all legal at most tournaments. 

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Tournaments are their own beast.  The TO (tournament organizer) gets to choose how they want their tourny to be.  Battleforged only, multiple CAD, allies, FW, dataslates, the list goes on in what the TO can decide to allow or not. So once the TO tells people how his tournament is going to be played we the people get to decide if we want to follow those rules and participate.

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