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dwarfs for brawl

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since i saw matt put his up i think i got my final list as well after a bit of fine tuning.  this list is just one im comfortable running and its pretty much a standard list most people see me bring.  i can lose 5.0 comp points and not lose too much from this list, but since there's no serious disadvantage for bringing a stronger list to the brawl im going to keep it tuff as nails so i can compete against most lists.  let me know what y'all think.  only thing im pondering playing with is bringing the torpedo or not, but i just like more bodies in the drakes since they can kill things in combat...


2400 Pts - Dwarfs Roster
Total Roster Cost: 2400
Longbeards (39#, 611 pts) FC, stoicism -41
Slayers (30#, 427 pts) 1 giant slayer, muso, std, strollaz  -16
Thane (1#, 171 pts) BSB, 2xiron, MRgromwil, GW  -13
Runesmith (1#, 93 pts) shield, rune of stone, spellbreaker 1 -8
gyrocopter(80 points)  all steamguns
gyrocopter(80 points)
gyrocopter(80 points)           -21 and 6wmp(ouch)
Runesmith (1#, 113 pts) shield, rune of stone, spellbreaker(eater) 2  GENERAL  -14
 Irondrakes (19#, 305 pts) mus, std                    -19
organ gun(145 points) rune of accuracy  -9  5wmp
cannon 145, forging  -9 6wmp
Organ Gun, 150, accuracy, burning  -14  6wmp
total of 23 wmp= -27
10.9 swedish


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Damn you and your organ guns!


Looks solid, close to your usual list with a few tweeks.  Those spellbreakers are a pain in the ass.

tbh skaven dont really care that much about organ guns compared to other races.  gutter runners usually take them out quite easily and they either get some shots on abom/doomwheel(which is rare...) or they kill some worthless slaves.  so very 'meh'.  now if i was bringing my lighter list with double vanguard and a flame cannon on the other hand, skaven have some problems lol... skaven are one of my bad matchups with this list.  slayers are wasted on killing slaves and other worthless things that wont get their points back.  only real problem with my list for skaven is keeping longbeards out of your big points.  which with my M3 thats not that hard to do :)  they key for me with my list against rats/large hordes is getting drakes in combat.  they actually do quite well against most skaven things.  im just counting on there being tons of legion/elf lists and this list is VERY good against most of those lists

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So, while I think the list is just fine for normal battle line scenarios, how are you going to accomplish the scenario objectives?


really? i think its fairly obvious i built my list around objectives as well.

scenerio1: doesnt matter really what i do for this ill always be at a disadvantage due to my movement.  what i can adjust for here is minimal units that matter on short range and cant survive on their own.  copters are versatile in space as are drakes and slayers with the vanguard.  and the stubborn ld10 39 strong beards will be just fine wherever they are :)  i actually think im fine with this scenerio....  dawn attack you just got to pick your daemons with dwarfs, but i think ill be solid with this list.

2: i dont see how you cant think ill be in a bad position in this scenerio.  protect something and kill one thing of another?  umm advantage dwarfs?

3: race to the wizard tower.  one answer:  "think about telling dwarfs they have a focal point to move to and kill whats approaching it.......... OK"

4: see 3 but think at what copters are good at.... this objective!  as are slayers vangaurding towards objectives.

5: my fortitude is 6 which is 'meh'. but you still will have to kill 2 of my 3 main blocks... blood and glory i actually do quite well at with melee lists, just because it relies on staying together and grinding which is fine for dwarfs, thats what they are good at.   


i actually think objectives are great for melee dwarfs.  not gunlines :P

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ah sorry, my bad i thought you were implying i didnt think about them when i built my list with the way you negatively addressed with your sentence... i just took offense to that notion.  appologies.  but yea i always think about objectives when making my lists.  except last weekends tournament but i couldnt really play for objectives with the stupid khaine magic and the objectives were horrible for dwarfs anyways so might as well brought all the guns and abandon strategy for objectives.  i didnt expect to even win a game that tournament  :ph34r:   this list i expect it to do quite well at the brawl... lost by 300 ish tonight but honestly skaven are just a bad matchup for this list.  and if my dice didnt abandon all ships when i needed average rolls 'sigh'.  hate that i have to add losing to skaven and dark elves for the first times both within two weeks span... bad month for the dawi!

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starting to backpedal on dwarfs a bit.  i love them but geez my dice are back to their ol'shenanigans that i thought i left back in iowa lol.  2 key combat phases that were heavy in my favor and gave me great chances to win just fell apart comically when i needed them.  abom making 13 regen saves to survive with 1 wound left preventing my overrun into his juicy character unit and then the glorious 6 out of 7 1s to wound needing 2s.  pretty discouraged right now tbh even though i know its not my list/strategy its just the dice... it is starting to make me on the fence about taking dwarfs to the brawl just psycologically.  im bringing my legions of fun next week to test against some other lists.  


here it is:


YOUR DOOM(fear it)  363 points(talisman of preservation, ramhorn, gnarled hide, sword of swift slaying, shield, MoT)   -23


exalted bsb of all stupidity(armor of destiny, scaled skin, GW, daemonic mount with barding) 271 points  -29(with the additonal penalties)


great bray, lvl4 beasts, MoN 245 points   -28


festus the leechlord, 190 points  -37(for 42 gor)


42, FC, MoN, AhW Gor  -17


5 ungor, MoS  -1


5 ungor, MoS  -1


tuskgor chariot, MoS   -3


flaming chimera with regen  -22


5 hellstriders with std, -3(this is new! pretty soft choice but eh its a standard and another target)


piggy -2


20 bestigor, standard, MoN -10


12.4  swedish..... i can honestly make this dirtier if i feel like it


id have to go on a serious binge of painting..... but im going to test this out next week if there's any takers.  dwarfs get a week of shelf time for playing like garbage.

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Oh man, that beast list is tempting to test my dark elves againt!

id be down. considering this list is a much faster list than im use to id love to test it against the fastest guys out there!  im assembling the hellstriders right now.  i wont have everything painted but there at least wont be any proxys!


The abom saves like there is no tomorrow!

he was the man of the match for you for sure.  i thought for sure you made a mistake sending him there but apparently i was wrong lol.  i want a rematch soon though.  one specifically without a particular terrain happy wood elf player setting the table up lol.

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id be down. considering this list is a much faster list than im use to id love to test it against the fastest guys out there!  im assembling the hellstriders right now.  i wont have everything painted but there at least wont be any proxys!


he was the man of the match for you for sure.  i thought for sure you made a mistake sending him there but apparently i was wrong lol.  i want a rematch soon though.  one specifically without a particular terrain happy wood elf player setting the table up lol.

You do know that you can change the table around right?  He just sets things up.  Nothing is written saying you can't "rearange" the table.

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Nah, I reserve the right for us to blame RD for the tables.  I do however blame myself for destroying a building that was keeping me safe from his organ gun blasting me in the face.

eh the only difference it would make is i would have had a decent chance to kill the doomwheel before you killed a copter.  but an extra copter wouldnt have helped me that much anyways.  i mean slaves(or clanrats or.... night goblins?) crushed one of my copters so who would think they couldnt crush 2 ;) 


as for terrain.  i was just messing with RD and his woodies obsession with hiding behind things.   and i welcome his crazy scenerios in general they usually are quite fun.  but that was hands down the worst terrain ive ever played on and would prefer to not have something like that NEXT time(the time after that... surrrre).    i had like a ~1-2 foot shooting width out of my deployment with all those buildings and hills lol thats nutts...  

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We should start playing them now, I have ust been trying to get a knack for the army so I can fine-tune it to a play style that works for me. 


My only issue with your legions list is that it doesn't have enough monsters :)

lol you saw my old list right?  i had 3.... chimera, giant and ghorgon :) but ill just straight up lose to elves with that...........


yes we do need to start doing scenerios.  wanted to do it last week but forgot the specifics of each one lol.  ill try and remember next week, but just for safe measures(considering i basically forget everything...) someone else should try and remember them as well!


also SPEAKING of aboms: thats the first time it ever made combat against me!  congrats rudra LOL 

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