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March 21 40K TOURNAMENT RESULTS!!! (Pg 3)

Lord Hanaur

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Another question came up:

Does the following formation come in automatically turn one if their is no other drop pod in the list?  

Rules of the formation::

Wolf Guard Thunderstrike: 1 unit of 10 Wolfguard in a Drop Pod, and 1 unit of Terminators with all of the supplement special rules (Kingsguard, Sagaborn, First Among Equals). All units in the Formation must deepstrike, and, they all come in on a single roll.


Well the issue is that the Drop Pod comes in WITH the Terminators in this Formation. And since the Terminators cannot Deepstrike turn one, the Drop pod has to wait with them. So that is the ruling for this tournament.


It's clear enough for this tournament, in any event.

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Some tournaments, and some players in general, basically have a rule in their tournament FAQ or a house rule that any wargear or special rule that causes Wound or Penetrating hit, without rolling To Hit, can't affect Flyers or FMCs. There's no bases for this when talking about RAW or RAI, though I believe it's for balance and/or realism. For example, Imotekh's Lord of the Storm special rule wouldn't affect Flyers or FMCs.

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Flyers and FMC's follow very different rules for this, actually.


The Hard to Hit rule for Flyers (specifically) says:


"any other attacks that don't roll to hit, cannot hit zooming flyers"


The Hard to Hit rule for Flying Monstrous Creatures (specifically) is very different.  It states that:


"Shots resolved at such a target can only be resolved as Snap Shots unless the model or weapon has the Skyfire Special Rule."


So very very different.  A Skyfiring Hemlock Fighter can actually Fire its blast weapon at an FMC because it has Skyfire, whereas no one can fire a Blast weapon and hit a Flyer.  Just too agile or fast I guess.


Therefore, something that does not roll to hit can still hit FMC's per the Main Rule book, but not flyers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Space Wolves CAD with Ultramarines and Dark Angels Allied Detachments. Pretty much a full Drop List, 7 Pods and a Storm Talon. Not a CentStar, just three Cents in a SW FA Pod. You've got a major advantage in the air this time, with three Flyrants matched up against just a single Storm Talon, so I'm going to have to absolutely dominate the ground game to pull it out.

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So you used 3 detachments. Cool I was trying to do that as well but I lack the models for it to work. :sleep:


Yes I dropped the Raveners, Tervigon crone, venom and termagants for a lot more offence and Deployment options. I will have to counter you ground presence carefully. Who ever gets to pick who goes first and second will have a good advantage that's for sure.


So many pods. The most I have faced is 5 maybe 6.  Pods can be most troublesome  to destroy at times.

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