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Chaos Storm Eagle equipment?


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okay looking to bring a strom eagle to an upcoming event

I am playing a khorne army so the exact army is up in the air but mainly going to use the storm eagle to get lord and 9 termis or lord and a bunch of berzerkers across the field quickly.


it is 205 points base with vengeance launcher and twin linked heavy bolter

the upgrades for heavy bolter are

 twin linked multimelta +15

havoc launcher +5

reaper autocannon free


I will must likely go with the multimelta


on the wings

you can add

4 hellstrike missles +40 points


2 twin linked lascannons +60


4 balefire missles +50 points


I think that all of these are too pricey but the balefire or lascannons are most tempting.


upgrades are

extra armour

dirge caster +5

warpflame gargoyles

daemonic possession


since i will be using this as an assault transport I will add the dirge caster to stop some of the crazier over watch.


the multimelta and dirge caster pushes it to 225. an thoughts on the wing upgrades?



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on the wings

you can add

4 hellstrike missles +40 points

Are they the GW hellstrike missiles or the FW ones?


The distinction is that FW has a FAQ which says the ordnance rule doesn't force the flyer to snap their other weapons in regards to their version of the hellstrike missiles, which makes the FW ones very much more effective. You can volley S8 ordanace 1 missiles via a skyfire platform, which does wonders for penetrating other flyers.


The GW ones, found in the AM codex with those valks, has basically the same rules, but no FAQ to suggest that firing 1 missile doesn't cause the other missiles to have to snap, which really ruins the tactical value of the hellstrike missiles.

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I wonder why they don't just change them to "primary 1" same roll 2 pick one for pen but no messy snap firing...

I'm pretty sure primary weapons also re-roll 1s to wound, which ordnance doesn't do, so the rules are different.

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Nope. I just looked it up. Primary Weapons are basically Assault Weapons that roll an extra die on Armour Pen and drop the lowest.

In escalation they did. Yeah, looks like BRB altered them for 7th.


BRB does say primary weapons are basically unique to super heavies. Wonder how long until GW makes a non-super heavy with one...?

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