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Picked up the new Eldar Codex...


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Mainly to read up on the new supposed power house army of 40k,like I did with Tau in 6th ed.


So far the backround is much more interesting to me than the Tau was,Eldar as an army seem quite large in the variety of builds too.


I never completed building my small Tau force because I didn't really want to play an army that was considered easy mode,,well that and I was just really into my Orks and IG armies.Plus Tau has pretty much zero melee options.


With Eldar`s power level now,am I correct in assuming that I could actually build a fluff based army of models/units that I like due to how they work or look and still have a chance at winning mild competitive games?,Meaning an army that may be quite diverse with minimal spam and mostly ones and twos of units in it?.


I really like the Warwalkers,the Flyers and the Swooping Hawks.And of course I would have to have a big robot dude.


Still got my new Nid army to work on too so it may be awhile before I actually start getting anything on the table for these guys.

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With Eldar`s power level now,am I correct in assuming that I could actually build a fluff based army of models/units that I like due to how they work or look and still have a chance at winning mild competitive games?,Meaning an army that may be quite diverse with minimal spam and mostly ones and twos of units in it?.


Yes.  I think you can easily build a weakish list and still compete.  The things you mentioned are all ok to good options (especially the wraithknight), so depending on what you put together, you should be fine.  

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Yes.  I think you can easily build a weakish list and still compete.  The things you mentioned are all ok to good options (especially the wraithknight), so depending on what you put together, you should be fine.  


Kinda curious myself... I see a lot of people have heartache with the Wraightknight...


And I think folks have issues with the Wraithguard with D weapons...


What about the melee Wraithguard? And What about Wraithlords? Do folks have issues with those?

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Wraithblades are still very mediocre because they don't have a good way to get close to the enemy. I think the sword version is better, but there's something to be said for the axe + invuln.


Wraithlords are kinda just worse than Wraithknights. Double Flamers, double heavies, and a sword is a pretty reasonable kit for one- they're useable, but not great.

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Ahh yeah,I see the stock WK has 2 ranged D weapons.


I assume though that ranged D is still not allowed in tournaments?...I hope so..


Actually if they change that rule then I would like to have the Hellhammer allowed back in.



With the WK stats and being a Gargantuan Creature, I would much rather run him with a D slapper and get face time with him anyway.

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ITC is now allowing Ranged Str D weapons, but with a nerf- it does d2 HP/wounds with the standard results and the 6 result is 2 wounds with no saves allowed. It's still a really good unit, though.

Almost right. The 6 on the destroyer table is 2 wounds or d2 HP with no saves. They also removed the D weapons counting as S10 for ID purposes.


Here, the full ITC rules alterations:



ITC events modify the following rules:

  • With any saving throw of a 2+ that can be rerolled, if the first roll is failed, the reroll is failed on the second roll of a 1,2 or 3.
  • The Invisibility psychic power is altered to read: units shooting at the Invisible unit do so at BS1, and hit it in melee on a 5+.
  • Damage from a Stomp attack that results in a 6 on the Stomp Table can be passed off of an effected model with a successful Look Out Sir roll, if the the target model can normally take a Look Out, Sir test.
  • Ranged D weapons use the following damage table, replacing that listed in the rule book. Note: D Weapons with the Distort Scythe special rule still subtract 1 from the table below.
    • Roll of a 1: No damage occurs.
    • Roll of a 2-5: Target model takes D2 wounds, or hull points with a penetrating hit.
    • Roll of a 6: Target model takes 2 automatic wounds with no saves allowed, or D2 hull points with a penetrating hit with no saves allowed. This attack never inflicts instant death, regardless of the target model’s toughness.
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Reece has said that it should be two wounds and two HP on a '6' result.

Thnx for the clarification:)



Seems pretty mild and im sure there are several cases were the Non D option is more efficient.Myself, Ill stick with the Melee D slappers for my armies,they are just more fun all around.

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The new Eldar are really cool.


I love that they nerfed the Wave Serpents, and I love that they made Exarchs 2 wounds.  Probably my two favorite things about the codex.  


The first worst thing about the Codex:  Wraith Knight really wasn't appropriately priced and only BECAUSE it became a Lord of War is it remotely balanced.  I honestly have vocally disliked that model anyways since i saw it, so I'm no more likely to field one now than i was before.  Nevertheless, I am likely in the minority on that issue.  If it cost about 355 base cost, I'd be fine with it.  As it stands, I guess it being a Lord of War is my consolation.  It will not win tournaments for you on its own, but it WILL tick off a few Imperial Knight users.  Not that I feel bad for them either.


The other thing I really question is the Warlock Conclave.  I'll still use it, but the way it loses Psychic Powers is real annoying.  I know that they did it to simplify things.  It was no fun tracking which bike had which Psychic power and so on.  But effectively the unit can never protect its important casters from the enemy to the back of the unit.  You're just ASSUMED to have lost the guy carrying one of the powers that matters, every so many bikes lost!  Whuuuuu...  Again I understand what they were trying to do and it isn't ALL downside.  For example you count as a level 3 Psyker if you have 7 or more in the unit, which is cool for bouncing other peoples Psyker powers off of the unit when the game STARTS.  But it forces you to take a really large unit of them to make CERTAIN all the good things it can do it CAN DO.  


My unit of them got to 450 points before you add any Singing spears!  Holy crapola.  Add a character plus spears and you can be sporting 650 points in one unit that can't hold its own against things that cost half of that in melee.


And then there's the Warp jump Generator change to a Jetpack movement.  That kinda sucked too, though it's by no means actually "bad".  Just unexpected i guess.


Nonetheless, the book overall is pretty good and I think people will like playing them.  A lot.

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But effectively the unit can never protect its important casters from the enemy to the back of the unit.  You're just ASSUMED to have lost the guy carrying one of the powers that matters, every so many bikes lost!  Whuuuuu...  Again I understand what they were trying to do and it isn't ALL downside.  For example you count as a level 3 Psyker if you have 7 or more in the unit, which is cool for bouncing other peoples Psyker powers off of the unit when the game STARTS.  But it forces you to take a really large unit of them to make CERTAIN all the good things it can do it CAN DO.  


Erm... you do realize you get to PICK which powers you lose when you drop below the threshold, right? You'll almost always end up with a "junk" power on the unit that you can choose to forget when you lose some models- stuff like Quicken/Restrain or other situational powers. Also, RAW, you can choose to forget a power gained from Psychic Mastery when you drop in level, although that definitely feels a bit shady to me.

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I seriously don't get it. What is it you're complaining about here?

He's complaining about the mechanic of losing a power at each step.


He wants it so you don't lose powers until you're down to 3. (Or this is my guess) just like the folks that think you shouldn't lose the plasma until there's no one left to carry it.

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I seriously don't get it. What is it you're complaining about here?

I know you don't.  and Pretre is apparently missing the thrust also.


This wasn't a "complaint", so much as it is an observation of unfortunate fact.  It was a compare and contrast, which I'm sure you did plenty of in High School.  Or not.


The point is that there can be 2-3 powers you might want to keep alive to the bitter end.  BEFORE the new codex, if that WERE true, you could have them in the back, not taking wounds until the end.  Now you cannot because they arent attached to ANYONE. So in some ways the unit actually DOES allow you to keep "passing the plasma to the next guy", actually!  It allows exactly that if there were ONLY one plasma in the unit, ironically.


It's that simple.  No ones suggesting they SHOULD only lose them until you lose the last three.  I am simply stating that the unfortunate fact of the matter is, you now lose powers that you might not want to lose much faster because the units positioning cant protect them, in addition to having less of the powers i nthe first place.

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