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Drop Pods or Rhinos.


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so I've been putting together the beginnings of a Imperial Fistish Space Marine Army and having trouble deciding what type of transports to take.  I don't expect this army to be the most competitive but I still don't want it to get stomped all the time.  So far my list is:


Space Marine CAD



 Pedro Kantor



2 - 10 man TAC - Melta, Combi Melta - transport

1 - 10 man TAC - grav - combi grav - grav cannon - transport



Ironclad Dreadnought - Frag Assault launchers - Drop Pod

9 Man Sternguard squad - Transport(Kantor goes here)


Heavy Support

Sicaran Battle Tank with Las sponsons


Space Wolves Formation

Arjacs Shield Brothers

1 Land Raider Crusader

1 Arjac Rockfist

5 Wolf Guard Terminators


It comes out to roughly 2000pts and after the new codex drops I'll be able to confirm the points in for sure.  So ya I was thinking of putting the TAC squads is Rhinos while the Sternguard goes in a Drop pod.  Mainly so that there is more than just the Sicaran and the Landraider as targets first turn.  But I feel that Pods are far more effective than Rhinos unless you have 6 of them running around the table.  Any imput you dudes have would be great.





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Looks like your group there could benefit from 3 pods,one you listed already for the dread,then the other two for the melta squads?...just cuz drop melta is usually pretty good stuff.Or,like you were saying about a stern in one pod then one melta tac group in the other:)


I know full on drop armies are a good thing but ive always thought that having some ground transport in combination with Drops is nice too,mainly to counter the Pod drops than end up out in left field or just off an objective and no longer really doing anything for table control.

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This list is going to end up with a sort of awkward split no matter how you do it, given the Drop Ironclad and the ShieldBrothers. Personally, I dislike having only a single Pod in a list, because you then have zero flexibility about your drop. If you go all the way to 5 Pods, as you mention, you're left with just the Land Raider and Sicaran starting on the board. Given the Shieldbrothers and Sicaran, I would be more likely to swap out the Dread for this version and go Mech, but if you really want the Dread as well, I'd go for a total of three Pods, the Dread, and either the two Melta Tac Squads or one of them and the SternGuard.

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Having played alot of full drop i'd reco against it. It can be fun but it gets lots of your boyz killed. Westrider has a great suggestion at three.


With that said I'd also recomend taking a full 10 sternguard and drop a marine off of one of the Melta squads. As you using Pedro a rhino is a better place for him than a pod. New dex aside he has been a chapter Master over the years and him dropping his orbital bombardment relies on him not moving, and he only has power armor so is not very resilient. Sternguard are already a high priority target and adding a squishier HQ that will prolly be your warlord makes it even more so. Spread the targets out as much as possible with marines each marine is a threat to most things so even single survivors from squads can be usefu. This can force difficult choices for wasted fire power opportunities.

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Gotta try that Dreadnought Drop Pod from FW. Got one and it's amazing. Not only can the dreadnought stay in the drop pod when it lands (giving him effectively 6 HP and the ability to shrug off one D hit), but since it's open topped, he can shoot out just fine. The kicker is that the pod is shrouded the game turn it arrives. Absolutely awesome rules.

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Having played alot of full drop i'd reco against it. It can be fun but it gets lots of your boyz killed. Westrider has a great suggestion at three.


With that said I'd also recomend taking a full 10 sternguard and drop a marine off of one of the Melta squads. As you using Pedro a rhino is a better place for him than a pod. New dex aside he has been a chapter Master over the years and him dropping his orbital bombardment relies on him not moving, and he only has power armor so is not very resilient. Sternguard are already a high priority target and adding a squishier HQ that will prolly be your warlord makes it even more so. Spread the targets out as much as possible with marines each marine is a threat to most things so even single survivors from squads can be usefu. This can force difficult choices for wasted fire power opportunities.

This also gives you the option to Combat Squad the Sternguard, which can be really handy both to deal with opposing MSU and because that gives you one more potentially aggressive ObSec Unit.

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