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rules Q 8th ed. - Opal Amulet and Killing Blow

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So the Opal Amulet works like this:


OPAL AMULET - 15 points

One use only. The Opal Amulet bestows a 4+ ward save against the first wound suffered by the bearer after which its power fades and it cannot be used again during the game.


Okay so if the wearer suffers two wounds from the same attacker, one of which is Killing Blow, which wound does it Ward, the KB or non-KB wound?  The only fair way I could think of would be to roll the attacks one at a time against the wearer of such an item, if the attacker has KB or whatever.
But even if you do this, what about two different attackers at the same Initiative step, one with KB and one without?  Who decides which attacks to roll first since they're "simultaneous"? Obviously the attacker would prefer to roll non-KB attacks first, and Opal Amulet guy would prefer KB attacks first?  Roll off and then roll one attack at a time until the Amulet is triggered and used up, I guess?

Anybody know if there's an official (or Masters) ruling on this?
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I would think the attacker chooses who attacks first - I can't see saying to an opponent "no, you can't start with him because I want to save my ward for him." But I don't know anything official. This is a really good question!


The attacks are supposed to be simultaneous so to me, *either* player choosing seems a little weird!

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i would guess it would be similar to the example of charmed shield with multiple hits(one being some special hit) and choosing which is for charmed shield.  randomize.


Good point... I guess randomizing after the fact is the same as doing them one at a time, but goes faster.  At least I can't think of any case off the top of my head where the two things would be different.  But then, I'm New Baby Sleep Addled so my faith in my own reasoning skills is pretty low at the moment ;)

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By the book, attacks are not truly simultaneous and quick rolling is something you shouldn't do against bearers of "on first X" items.  Since nobody in their right mind rolls attacks one by one against heroes with hidden magic items you should just randomize things in that situation.

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Yeah I guess randomization is fair, though if he dies before the next model attacks, then that second model attacks someone else. Or in the case of shooting, you shoot with one unit, and if your target panics or is annihilated, your next cheaty elf unit shoots something different. So its really not simultaneous. I wouldnt argue one way or another, but if I had to come down one way I would say that just like shooting the attacker picks which tied-initiative unit of his attacks first.

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At each initiative step you declare intention of what attacks will go where.  Once you declare the split you roll each attack individually (you may batch roll where appropriate) and resolve all damage as it comes through.  RAW there is no problem here as we aren't actually supposed to batch roll unless it can have no effect on the outcome.  


You don't get to choose where the other attacks go as you declare where everybody is splitting attacks before you start rolling nor does CC work like shooting in this case as all models, regardless of what unit they're in, declare and attack at each initiative step.

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