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partial cover...

Don't Panic

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i was confused by the way this was played yesterday and just looked it up.  under the first requirement for you to receive partial cover is you MUST be in b2b with the cover modifier for the -3 to BS and +3 to ARM/BTS.  im not seeing anything that would distinguish you receiving one without the other as was played yesterday.  if you can see them before they reach the cover= no cover modifiers at all to the ARO.  unless its a FAQ...  but from the forums:  http://infinitytheforums.com/forum/topic/30648-solved-partial-cover/

also, something i think we played wrong as well: you get no partial cover modifiers for any templates which is kinda cool!  sooo many rules!!

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You're right. You must be in base contact with a piece of cover that is between you and the target. If you are in a spot that you are touching cover but it's not between you and the target, no cover bonus for you. Templates = no cover. Tons of rules. It's best to start small with lists and work the more advanced rules into your games after you have a few under your belt. 

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I've been researching the heck out of this. A few more points:


At least 1/3rd of the model has to be covered for it to count as partial cover.


Also, it didn't make sense to me that if you were mostly blocked visibly, but not in base-to-base contact with terrain, you don't benefit from cover. Then I found this: you can agree with your opponent ahead of time what constitutes as a Saturation Zone. This is something I found when I was wracking my brain. For example, let's say a good portion of visibility to a model is covered by terrain, but it's not in base-to-base contact with any terrain. You can designate it as a Saturation Zone, which effectively reduces the Burst by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This gives the feel of there being so many obstacles in between the attacker and the target, that some rounds hit harmlessly into the terrain and never reach the target.


You can also take this a step further and declare something as a High Saturation Zone (-2 Burst, minimum of 1).


Saturation Zone rules are on page 164.

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We got it wrong.


Example. The shooting model was behind a large crate and the defending model was behind a larger crate, but not touching. The shooting model could only see the head and a bit of a shoulder of the target. We played it was in cover.



Checked last night after thinking about it.

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lol glad we both thought it was weird and checked!  think we just need to keep looking things up and asking questions until we figure it out.

im sure we will make 1000s of other mistakes until we get it right.  i know ive already made at least 10+ rules mistakes in my 2 games of playing(and thats not including probably 100s of tactical mistakes...).  for example, i should have thrown smoke in front of me targetless with needing a 16 or lower as an ARO to throw it right in front of yourself rather than just dodge.  i had no idea i could throw it targetless as a special dodge!  thought you could only throw it speculative as a -6 or regular....

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