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Sicaran battle tank and no master of the forge


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That's mostly true until they add heavy armour and get to still roll up that armour save against anything not ap4. And add a pain boy in there and then you have the issue of feel no pain. And a kff just makes it that much more difficult. Trust me orks aren't as simple to beat as they look just take a bit of skill to get used to them

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That's mostly true until they add heavy armour and get to still roll up that armour save against anything not ap4. And add a pain boy in there and then you have the issue of feel no pain. And a kff just makes it that much more difficult. Trust me orks aren't as simple to beat as they look just take a bit of skill to get used to them

I was not meaning to belittle orks.


Just commenting that marine weapons which are entirely lacking against MEQ are quite viable against orks and some of the better anti-MEQ weapons are found rather lacking against orks.

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Truth. The Heavy Bolter is extremely mediocre against many factions, but against Orks it is actually surprisingly functional- it cuts up all but their very heaviest-armored models and will down light vehicles like the Trukk/Buggy with reasonable facility. A HB-equipped Sicaran is actually a pretty dangerous unit against Orks, doubly so for the Chaos version that can pick up Maelific Ammo.

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I come with gifts.  :)

Thanks. That is the current rules from IA2 2nd ed.


I think the base version is underpriced (mostly for that fast AV13 all around platform), but with upgrades, rapidly becomes bloated in price. AV13 is nice, but it isn't AV14 by a wide margin (just because there are lots of weapons that can damage AV13 which can't even glance AV14, with autocannons and plasma guns being towards the top of the list).

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