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Guardian cup 11/21/15


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Hey guys in preparation for the Guardian cup I've been working with my orks and I've come up with a list the only thing missing atm is the 3 extra meganobz for the bully boyz formation.


Great WAAGH detachment


Zhardsnark (warlord)

Big mek mega force field bike pk

Mad doc


8 bikes nob big choppa

10 boyz nob pk boss pole


7 tank bustas trukk

4 Deff koptas rokkits



Bulky boyz


3x 5 meganobz 2 trukks and a battle wagon rokkits on all trukks and if points allow 4 rokkits on battle wagon

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Yea as cool as bikes are I think Id prefer them in the fast attack role. Zhardsnark just doesn't do much for me so in regards to changing him to a basic warboss on bike with pk and grabbing the thinking kap and fishing for infiltrate warlord trait in a standard cad would he be able to join a squad of bikes and infiltrate since they don't have the infiltrate rule under the itc

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Zhardsnark has a S10 AP2 weapon that strikes at I4, Skilled Rider for 2+ Jink saves on his unit (and ignoring terrain, which is just as important), lets you Scout with a unit, and makes Bikes into ObSec (assuming you take a CAD, which you probably should.)


Having a Warboss along for the ride as well with Lucky Sticks is not bad, and ditto for a Painboy, but Zhardsnark himself is amazing

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He's been very underwhelming for me he's died everytime I use him and struggled to get through some terminators in a game and was thus killed by a captain holding the burning blade

One or two bad games does not make him bad. Having other characters in there to tank the wounds and challenges keeps him going strong. He's a hidden powerclaw of doom.

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He's been very underwhelming for me he's died everytime I use him and struggled to get through some terminators in a game and was thus killed by a captain holding the burning blade


He swings before the Terminators, hits them on 3s, wounds them on 2s, and ignores their armor save. How much better could you possibly ask him to be?

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Zhadsnark is literally the best thing Orks have going for them.   Being able to move 36" the first turn (scout + turbo-boost) and then getting a 2+ cover save (and FNP - you are taking a painboy, right?!?!?) with one turn of shooting for your opponent to try and stop him.

54pts for an obsec unit that can move 24" a turn and get a 3+ cover save while doing so is pretty darn good as well.

If I can play in the G.Cup I'll be bringing him for sure.

An optimal list would be:
Ork Horde
Warboss, bike, pk, lucky stick
Painboy, bike

15 bikes, nob w/pk&BP
3 bikes
3 bikes
3 bikes

7 tank bustas trukk, ram
2 Deff koptas rokkits
2 Deff koptas rokkits

Bully Boyz
5 meganobs,1 with killsaws
Trukk, ram
5 meganobs,1 with killsaws
Trukk, ram
5 meganobs,1 with killsaws
Battlewagon, ram, 2x rokkit

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Ok I don't have 21 ork bikes or a second warboss on a bike or a painboy on a bike. I have

20 boyz

10 gretchen

12 grot tanks with grot zookas

5 flash gitz

15 Meganobz

7 tank bustas

4 Deff koptas

2 warboss ok foot one with pk and one with big choppa

Big mek on bike with a kff


12 bikes

Traktor Kannon


2 trukks

1 battle wagon

1 morkanaught

1 stompa



I don't have enough money layin around to purchase the stuff for the list you suggested.

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So dropping 12 bikes and the 2 bike hqs swapping them for a big mek on a bike with a kff what would you alter with the points you have available now using what I have and knowing you could grab an extra trukk or something else I know you guys don't think the stompa is tournament worthy but I feel he works in just the right ways especially if you have a big mek or a mek inside fixing him throughout the game.

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So dropping 12 bikes and the 2 bike hqs swapping them for a big mek on a bike with a kff what would you alter with the points you have available now using what I have and knowing you could grab an extra trukk or something else I know you guys don't think the stompa is tournament worthy but I feel he works in just the right ways especially if you have a big mek or a mek inside fixing him throughout the game.

If you do run the stompa, you really need to take advantage of cover. Not for the cover save, but in making your enemies charge through cover to assault the stompa, so they strike at initiative 1 (unless assault grenades, but most enemies that can damage a stompa in melee and aren't unwieldy will also lack assault grenades).


The biggest weakness of the stompa is your initiative (1). You need to force them to engage at the same intiative, this will have a profound psychological effect and, in general, will make your stompa considerably move viable.


I'd also consider including flame templates via models inside, as the stompa can't overwatch, but since he's a transport with fire points, the models inside certain can. Normally, you'd run into LOS issues, as the fire points are in weird spots, but the flame template wall of fire doesn't require LOS to charging units.

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Completely off topic and I hope somebody with some insight to this can help me out. In the itc you can't have a torrent hell storm template right? But what happens if you bought the promethium pipe relays and then sat an archeon (or however you spell it) behind it and fired off that template is it technically a torrent flamer equipped model or given that by a special rule I think the itc ruled on this already but I can't remember

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