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Hey Hamsters...........


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So after a long hiatus, a journey of self but mostly sexual discovery has led me back to the club. Where have I been? Well that's between me and Dr. Seuss's greatly desecrated grave. There isn't too much to say but what I can say is I do so like green eggs and ham, My god I love them Sam I am. But that is neither here nor there......it's really not anywhere.......


Anyway. It's about time for a club meeting. Lets get together and chat about who all the cute couples in high school are.


If you're free Tuesday November 10th around 6:00pm......well I don't really care that's when it's happening so if you can't make it, make like Justin Tim Tim and cry me a river.  


I want to take that quick moment to cover certain areas of discussion;


1.) Dirty Dirty Santa this year,

2.) January Re-Elections for Club offices....


But mostly I want us to spend the next couple of weeks thinking about topics to discuss if there are any. This is the time, if there has ever been one, to see what it is that you want out of the club or from the club. If you think its important than this is the time to address it. If you're afraid you'll look stupid, then don't worry I already think you all are, so you have nothing to lose.


But all joking aside I look forward to it guys. See you then.

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I will still be in Seattle. 


I would like to put a question to the club. I am putting together a Club Championship, which is on the boards elsewhere. I am curious about when folks would like to start? My thoughts would be start in February or March. Far enough away from Christmas, but not close enough to summer tournament season? 



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