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H: Lots of Cadian heads/parts W: "Renegade" heads/parts


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Jim, anything suitably "renegadey"  LOL so whatever works.  Zombies > mutants, though... we have standards!  ha ha ha      Plus, in my eyes they're all just fodder for the grinder.  I reckon I can lean towards the Warhamsters' suggestions of an old school World Eaters army after this, and tie in Khorne to that and it'll all start with a lil' cute renegade guard army.


PourSpelur, thanks for the linky I really appreciate that!


Sam, torsos and heads would be awesome.  Gas mask heads, too!


I have extensive bitz boxes and like 9 armies so holler with what you're looking for, please!


Stay safe,



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Well I could use a spare Dreadnought missile launcher, meltaguns or grav guns, or spare Devastator Lascannons or Grav Cannons.


I know that all of the above are rather rare and precious relics though, so its no issue if you don't have any on hand or need them for your own projects.


I can put the parts in a bag with your name on it. Do you have a preferred time and/or place for pickup?

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I just went through my marines bitz boxes and crap on a cracker, I got *none* of that!   Could be because I just kitted out my Legion so all those things got used.


hashtag sadface


Could I perhaps entice you with a cash purchase for your bitz?  Perhaps a nice gift certificate?  ha ha ha


Sorry about not having the bitz... let me know if anything else might work. 


Stay safe and thanks for the reply!



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