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30k in the 'Ham


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It turns out my trading and slow build to a workable 30k Raven Guard army has gone more swiftly than anticipated. While I'm still focusing on getting my 40k Eldar done for now, I'm 30k curious. If any other Warhamsters are of like mind, well... We should talk. Eli was interested, so maybe it might be fun to play around with some 30k scenarios this summer?

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Good to know about Mugu!


Don - It uses the base 40k rules, but all of the armies focus on the Legions before and during the Horus Heresy. I could care less if folks use MK VII armour (as opposed to the more "historically" accurate Marks - pretty much anything between 2 and 5, with 6 for some legions). If you've got marines, you're probably good to go! All of the Legions use the same base army list, representing the Space Marine Legions back before the 10,000 year decline in technology. Most of the Legions have 2 Legion-specific units, their own Legion-wide special rules (like Chapter tactics), and a special force-org (called Rites of War in 30k). Legion composition is more specialized than Chapters in 40k. Instead of mixing weapons, you're more likely to have a unit of nothing but plasma, another with all lascannons, and another 20-strong squad of bolters. Things tend to be pretty infantry-heavy, AP3 abounds, and marines have yet to know no fear (so psychology matters a lot). The scenarios are different than typical 40k, and tend to be much more narrative in focus. Plus, they have campaign rules! And Zone Mortalis (think smaller-sized games inside spaceships representing boarding actions). 


In addition to the Legions, there are also rules for Guard, Mechanicum, and Renegades. No Xenos in the core rules. Games tend to be larger (2500 points is pretty standard). 


I Legion doesn't have any rules beyond the base (they can choose Stubborn or Furious Charge as an army-wide rule), but it looks like they'll have something in the new book.


The Horus Heresy books are super expensive, and chock full of fluff. If you just want to play the game, though, the base army "Codex" for all Legions is collected in one reasonable chunck: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-JP/The-Horus-Heresy-Legiones-Astartes-Crusade-Army-List  The Istvaan Legions book (currently being reprinted) has the Legion-specific rules for the Legions in the 1st 3 HH books (alas, no I Legion). 


It'll be a ways off, but count on me pestering folks about this more as we get closer to summer!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I might try out 30k but i wish orks had rules for it. Don't know what legion I will do if I play some kind of bad guys.



Do it! No filthy Xenos, though. At least, if you can help it. 30k armies are really well balanced against one another, and 40k rules are a bit different. You have your Charcaradons still, right? Run them as Raven Guard (best ... Legion ... ever!) or the Legion of your choice.


Lets compare notes after this quarter is done having its way with me, Eli. I know some folks who ran an incredible 30k map campaign. We can come up with something awesome! You coming back for spring break, or going somewhere exotic (e.g., Idaho)?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am heavily considering the BaC box after glancing at some of the models in person.


Haven't fully committed to a Legion yet but I'm reading through the Horus Heresy series and might swing to one in particular after a few more specific legion-focussed books.


Would it be 2500 points or bust to play?


Also, I'm curious about the lack of ATSKNF. Is there a concrete fluff justification for this or is it more in the realm of rules to make the astartes on astartes action more exciting?



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