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New Orkcurion


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That air armada hasnt changed at all. Is been available since winter 2014 but nobody uses it. It does as fluger said come down to what will the core formation bring. I am looking at itc stuff do they limit choices of just one unit? I cant remember if i have the ability to field multiple units of bikes and stuff since theyre not a formation

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It does as fluger said come down to what will the core formation bring.


Yeah, if the formation gets something nice like hatred or re-roll leadership, then it's lights out good.  


Even marginal buffs like preferred enemy or re-roll run distance could be REALLY handy.  


If there are no formation benefits or something really lame like re-roll armor saves, then I think it might still compete with a CAD but, not be the go to choice.  


I still see bringing in a CAD of Orks to get the new Big Mek Stompa.  

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Been looking at this from a few angles, and the only benefit I can see is running this on its own sans Orkurion with a CAD as well.  Getting WAAGH every turn is great, but is it worth losing Ob Sec and having to bring so many boyz? 

By the same token, you could easily just add in a spesulist or two and get the Orkurion HoW rules.  

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By the same token, you could easily just add in a spesulist or two and get the Orkurion HoW rules.  

Most of the Decurions are like that. They pretty much all have at least one Auxiliary that's cheap enough that if you're running the Core Formation, you might as well take an Aux and get the full bonuses. The Codex SM ones are the big exceptions I can think of, and even then, the 3 Scout Squads aren't that expensive.

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So looking at every book i own with orks in it this book litterally just condensed it all amd changed nothing except we get a sorta cool decurion. I see truck spam being sorta viable but with itc debating going to 1650 its going to be nearly impossible to use this detachment to its full potential

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So looking at every book i own with orks in it this book litterally just condensed it all amd changed nothing except we get a sorta cool decurion. I see truck spam being sorta viable but with itc debating going to 1650 its going to be nearly impossible to use this detachment to its full potential


The only way to run truck spam competitively is with Meganobz IMO.  Those little units just fold up too quickly and give up too many KPs.  

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Yeah, that's a good point. Tank bustas in trukks is a good trukk spam force too.  


For the Waagh Band


Warboss in Mega Armor with fixxin's (call it) 120

Mek (barebones) 15

6x10 Orks in Trukks (Reinforced Ram, natch) with Nob with BP 690 

3 MegaNobz with Trukk (RR) 160 (warboss and mek go here)


That's 985 pts 


You could get 8 units of 5 Tank Bustas in Trukks with RRs and have 25 points left over.  


Oh shoot, I forgot about the Gretchin.  Eh, take 10 pts off the Warboss (easy to do).


So, you'd have 15 Trukks on the board, 116 infantry models, and that's pretty cool.  


Being able to waagh on turn one means you have a potential 30" threat range with all the non Mega Armor units (6" vehicle move, 6" disembark, d6" run, 2d6" charge) with a realistic shot at 24".

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