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The TFO's Annihiliation 4 Tour!


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Hey Guys!!!! Are you excited for the amazing Bronson event in my favorite Gamestore in Portland!?! God I know I am.

I think its going to be a blast with the randomness (but toned down for the format) Maelstorm missions!

For those who want some preliminary recon of the competition here is my list:

Combined Arms Detachment (Farsight Enclave)

HQ- Commander (Warlord) with Iridium (T5,2+), C&C Node (Forgo shooting for Unit Reroll to Hit in Shooting), MSS (Forgo shooting for Unit to gain Ignore Cover), PEn Chip (Picks a USR at the start of each turn), Neuroweb Sensor Jammer (Makes 1 Enemy Unit shooting within 12" gain Get Hot!), Onager Gauntlet (Trades all CC Att for 1 Str 10 Ap1 Swing), VRT (Hit & Run), Stimulant Injector (FnP), Shield Generator (4++).

Troop- Crisis Team - 7x - 1 Shasvre with FW Suit (Gives him network Markerlight and Target Lock), Plasma Rifle and VRT (Hit & Run), 4 Shas'ui with Plasma Rifle, Fusion Blaster, Targetlock, 2 Shas'ui with Plasma Rifle, Fusion Blaster. Bonding Knives

Troop- Crisis Team -  1x - 1 Shas'ui with 2 Burst Cannon, Bonding Knife

Troop- Crisis Team -  1x - 1 Shas'ui with 2 Burst Cannon, Bonding Knife

FA - Tetra - 1x - High Intensity Markerlight, 1 TL Pulse Rifle, Homing Beacon

FA - Tetra - 1x - High Intensity Markerlight, 1 TL Pulse Rifle, Homing Beacon

Combine Arms Detachment (Farsight Enclave)

HQ- Commander Shadowsun

Troop- Crisis Team -  1x - 1 Shas'ui with 2 Burst Cannon, Bonding Knife

Troop- Crisis Team -  1x - 1 Shas'ui with 2 Burst Cannon, Bonding Knife

FA - Tetra - 1x - High Intensity Markerlight, 1 TL Pulse Rifle, Homing Beacon

FA - Tetra - 1x - High Intensity Markerlight, 1 TL Pulse Rifle, Homing Beacon

Riptide Wing

Elites - Riptide Team - 2x - 2 Heavy Burst cannon, 2 TL SMS, 1 Target Lock, 1 Stimulant Injector, 2 EoW (Interceptor)

Elites - Riptide Team - 1x - 1 Heavy Burst cannon, 2 TL Fusion Blaster, 1 EoW (Interceptor)

Elites - Riptide Team - 1x - 1 Heavy Burst cannon, 2 TL Fusion Blaster, 1 EoW (Interceptor)

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He has 9 Objective stealing units, his Death star and his other deathstar.


Seems like an intelligent build for a Maelstrom tournament.His games may be over by the top of turn 4 if he goes first.




it seems to me that the only real weakness to it is the range on the Rending heavy Burst Cannons.  Outside of that, it looks extremely solid.  Against it i think you end up needing to force the big boys into your melee units.  To do that you have to target the smaller units over the big ones and thus make the big ones go after objectives.  It might feel like a 'waste of firepower" but the Annihilation rules have a 7 (instead of an 8) threshold for winning so you cannot wait to do it.  Forcing the big fellas to move into dangerous zones because their little guppies are dead seems important.


So i think that perhaps an armored army might do well if its fast enough.  I could see Dark eldar weathering the storm long enough to target the smaller units while cutting off the bigger ones.  I say armored because the armor itself is the first thing the big boys have to kill.  They will.  but it means the stuff inside is safe for a round so given that turns are not unlimited, the armor adds to the clock for the Tau enemy so to speak.


The big Crisis Deathstar is a problem.  its overwatch is insane.  Hit and run adds to the threat.   So it can do work.  Shadowsun complicates it further.  Any melee unit that decides to charge it will need a wingman unit to go in first.  The main unit will need to be incredibly capable in melee.  Those suits actually do get STR 5 and so they are no slouch once allowed to actually throw a punch.  The shooty deathstar is what will do a LOT for the army in terms of freeing up the other units to do their thing.  I dunno.  Looks pretty darn dangerous to me.


So in summary:  BE MOBILE, kill the guppies, let the deathstars have their pound of iron so that they cant have their pound of flesh inside and play the objectives to the very end.  =)


Good luck...and may the force be with you.

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