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Nathan's REAL Studio Grand Opening

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Hey, a while back we had a false alarm and I thought we would have a grand opening for our art studio. Well this time it is FOR SURE HAPPENING this Friday the 1st during art walk.  I'll be painting, Sacha will be jeweling, we'll be hanging out and having adult beverages - all will be well.  If you're downtown during artwalk (6-9), swing on by and say hi!  It's above bay, in Studio D. We'll have signs up, and probably an arcane system of notifying us that you're there (like a pull-bell or something.) 


Anyhow, huge thanks to everyone who helped us move in, and hope to see you on Friday!



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Sick! Grats man!


Thanks! It's awesome to have a place to paint that's not my living room. :D


I swear to god I don't leave town that often, but every time I do, you're opening a studio or moving into a studio or whatnot.


It has been so ordained in the Book of Vile Bradness.  Nothing you can do against such ancient prophecies.


Erin and I will be there! Looking forward to seeing your new creative space.


Sweet!  It will be great to see you both! I hope to be working on a big canvas. Well, big for me.  Everything seems big when you're used to painting miniatures!



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Thanks to everyone who came by and had a beer, talked art, and extra thanks to those of you who posed as a wizard - I'll post the pic when it's done. 


I had a great time, and it was really cool to see how many people can fit comfortably in that space.  I'll be doing some art events in the future - drink and draw, figure drawing, and so forth, so if anyone is interested in sketching, let me know and I'll put you on the list.


It was also hilarious to me to find out what a small town this is - Damien is Stratton's brother?!?!? 


Also, for those of you that I've alarmed with talk of moving to Minnesota, the day after the opening we got word that the job Sacha was looking at will probably go to someone else, so we are here in Bellingham for the forseeable future.  Excellent.

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