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Generals Handbook reviews

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Great reviews up from TGA forums:)








One thing that is a bit of a bummer is that the new Path to Glory system only includes some of the army factions,,each GA has at least one to use.Im sure they intend to expand on this part,likely with future Battletomes as it seems the ones that are included in this book already have their Battletomes released.


Other than that its looking awesome!

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The new command bonuses plus artifacts will let you change those lack luster heroes in to great characters. But unlike some games you cant hind them from attack or give them meat shield wounds so them aren't op

Yeah,and really im finding that with Death,its actually better to avoid the named Hero`s as they cant take an artifact or additional command ability.For example,Vamp Lord on Zombie Dragon with an artifact is pretty much better all around than any of the Mortarchs,and is pretty much the same point cost,,well except Arkan,hes 100 pts less but pretty weak in combat too.


Except of course Nagash,hes still awesome all around,,,except his cost that is,lol.And like you were saying,,hes really not worth it unless playing 2500 points or more,Too many eggs in one basket points wise at lower point games.

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So you pay points for summoning does that include if you roll above a starting unit?

Yes,,if you roll high enough to bring in a double the amount of models,then you have to pay for the extra unit as well.The only benifit to that now is you only have to make one cast to get a double size unit.Now this may seem like a huge nerf,which it is a nerf as per needed,,but really,with only being able to cast each spell once per turn and most games being decided in 5 turns or so..this isnt such a big deal.


The biggest benifit to summoning now is to be able to customize your army in the early game to deal with specific threats.In the closely matched competative play system now,these "nerfs" to the summoning system were pretty much manditory and being able to do the above over an army that has pre chosen units and deployment is actually rather huge I think.

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So I am wondering if there are points for High Elves (or whatever they are called now)? The Warscrolls are up for all the old units but does the generals handbook have points for all the units or just a few they are using for Order?

It is my understanding they have points for all the units, including the old ones that they don't sell anymore. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

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I think the only things missing points in the book is FW and Silver Tower. But they have said that both with have points eventually.


My hope is they update the AoS app when the book comes out and adds all of the missing silver tower points and put in a nice army builder that has points in it.

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