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Thinking about eating Flesh...

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Picked up the digital tome for the Flesheaters,really like the backround for them.I just thought they were ravageing ghoul army of sorts but it turns out they are actually quite a nice bunch!...in a Hannibal Lector sort of way:)


Anyhow Death is really short on Battalion selection and I do have a fair amount of models to try and run a courte,also grooveing on the base synergie the army has.


Has anyone faced any Flesh Eater courtes yet?

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With what I have currently,the new start collecting box is going to pretty much fill out my Flesh Eaters to just over 2k points,and that would be a full Flesh Eaters force with no additional Dead factions.Of course ill still be using the Death allegiance for the bonuses.


Also Flesh Eaters have the cheapest battalion ive seen yet at 20 points,,,not much of a benifit as it only allows one unit to reform around one of its models in the Hero phase,,max move of 6" for the other models to do so.Still very worth it for the second artifact choice:)

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Got To try out Flesh Eaters against Steel Angels SCE army,had a pretty good run of it.


We played a pitched battle scenario so I used the allegiance abilities and artifacts.


Army list 2k points-


Gristlemonger`s Court


Lord Gristlemonger-Abhorent Ghoul King,Leader/General 100


Varghulf Cortier Leader 160


Crypt Ghast cortier Leader 80


Necromancer Leader 120


Zombie Dragon Behemoth 320


Mournghoul Behemoth 400


3x Crypt Flayers --- 160


3x Crypt Horrors --- 140


3x Crypt Horrors --- 140


10x Crypt Ghouls Battleline 100


10x Crypt Ghouls Battleline 100


20x Skeletons SnB Battleline 160


The Royal Mordants Battalion 20


Total 1960


Command Trait chosen-Ruler of the Night +1 to the army wide 6+ for units within 10" of the General.


Ring of Imortality-given to Gristlemonger


Cursed Book- given to the Vargulf Cortier



For being under pointed I did get to roll on the Triumph table and rolled up "Bloodthirsty" giving a once per game reroll of failed wounds to one unit.


Now I felt pretty good about how I kept organized in this game when it was over,thinking that I successfully remembered to use all unit abilities and alegiance perks,,however it turns out I did forget to use some bonuses.First off I got 2 shots with my only ranged weapon in the army,that being the Zombie Dragons Pestilent breath weapon,,both times it auto hit on a block of troops,,both times I rolled a 1 to wound...and I forgot about my one time reroll of wounds /slapself.In hindsight though,with the way I was rolling it probably would have been a third one anyway,lol.


The second thing I missed was using the Vargulfs nerf to all opponents combat attacks within 3" of him,,this may have saved my King from going down in the battle with Orion.He forces a -1 to hit rolls from all opponent units within 3" of him.


The third thing I missed was the simple ability given by the Battalion I was using.There was one instance were it would have come in handy.The ability allows a single unit reform around one model in the Hero phase,the other models can move up to 6" and be placed around the "anchor" model,unit must remain in cohesion of course,unit must end this move more than 3" from enemy models.This could have pulled one group of Ghouls out of combat in my hero phase,releasing them for a midfield dash toward my opponents lightly defended objective in his backfield.Not likely they would have gotten there by games end but still possible.


The rest of the army played very well I thought.I was able to match threats well,had some pretty good ground speed with average move of 6" and runs when needed.Great synergy with reroll on 1`s bubbles for the line troops and the cortier abilites to regrow models in units is total money,especially in the case of bringin back the 4 wound Horror/flayer models.I do think I will run my Horrors in one group of 6 next time,,this should give the unit excellent survival against the toughest opponents with the varghulf bringing back an average of 2 models per turn.


The army wide 6+ was nice to have but as per usual only saved a couple of wounds I think.Steel Angel reminded me of the GH FAQ on the Command trait and how it only affects the units in his 10" bubble so it was a bit trickier to get the needed units in the that bubble.Interesting though that when the King went down and I used to the ring to bring him back,I was able to bring him back in an area of the battle were his bubble was much more needed,that worked pretty well too.


Also one important thing to note for everyone..these abilties that give a reroll of failed wounds or mortal wounds ALL STACK..I didnt know this.For instance with the Mournghoul,it has a 4+ save vs mortal wounds,the army 6+ save also applies,keep using the saves you have till you run out of them.I dont think this was in the formal FAQ`s but was clarified on the official FB page,likely to be seen in the next FAQ.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 I need to pay more attention to the command abilities of the Ghoul Kings.Both allow a new unit or Courtier to be brought in within 3" of ANY table edge,at least 9" from an enemy unit.


  I was thinking it was like summoning and had to be within 18" of the King when they are set up.


  Also I was not considering the Terrorghiest due to its scream not being nearly as good as the ZDragons breath weapon.But the Abhorrent King on Terrorghiests spell is actually very interesting,,it gives a single unit within 18" a 5+ extra save...that could very well be in addition to the base 5+ provided by his alegiance command abilitie...mmm,double 5+ ward for a unit of ghouls or horrors.

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Oh yeah,it cost points for sure...was just thinking about it being a good backfield threat for siege engines/ranged stuff.And actually,having one unit of Flyers held back after game start with a guaranteed summons ability to any board edge is a good idea I think.


 Plus I could always bring them in near the rest of my forces in the first turn if theres no need to threaten the opponents backfield.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Got a game in vs GamerGeek`s Ogors,1200 pts.


 We played the second pitched battle scenario and used a 4x4 table.


  All went fairly well as I moved as a blob and for the most part kept my entire force within the 10" protection bubble provided by the Death allegiance abilities as well as other misc perks provided by Flesh Eater Hero`s.This is certainly a necessity when playing FEC,I think its going to become more difficult when playing on a larger board and also when facing mobile enemies or possibly even dedicated shooting armies.


  I did make a few mistakes,,I say "a few" as im making less the more I play the army(helps tons to stick to just one army for awhile,heh).Anyhow I mistakenly rerolled all my hit rolls for my GK mounted on the Zombie Dragon,,which basically resulted in the destruction of a unit of 3 Ogors...this after attacking with the Vargulf which does get to reroll hits due to a successfull spell cast from a FEC wizard during the previous hero phase.Also I forgot to do a wound heal on the Vargulf at the end of combat,Some units do their heal roles during the Hero phase,others at the end of combat,and even some heal imediatly after ,killing a model,like the Mournghoul.To much to remember!.


  Probably the most telling outcome of this fight for the FEC was the middle of the line were a unit of 6 Iron Guts charged in,,,after loosing a full unit of 10 ghouls to the charge,the remainder of my blob counter charged and proceeded to pretty much destroy all but one over the next two turns.This was a big dead to me as Ogors have such a reputation for being tough as nails and hard hitting,yet the synergies of the FEC handily dealt with one of the toughest units in the Ogor army.Though I think facing a Ttusk reinforced Ogor army would be one hell of a test.


 It was another good game with much learned:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

  A great game vs Steel Angel`s Setra Chariot list last night:)


   This ended up being a very educational loss for my list,not so much in the army I faced as I knew that the Setra list was going to be a grind out fight.And it certainly was as by the end of turn 3 my army had recieved 79 unsaved wounds and dealt 88 unsaved wound,,give or take 5 either way so very closely matched in that area.However at that point the outcome had pretty much been decided so we called it.

  The main take away for me on this one was the scenario we played,that one being Pitched battle number 5,"Three Places of Power".I think this scenario is going to present a unique challenge to many slower lists out there.It has a total of 3 objectives equally spaced across the middle of the board,the first one in the center and the other two off to the left and right 18" along the center line.The capture mechanic is such that a player needs to have a hero within 3" of the objective in order to score it.The scoring is done each player turn with the player gaining vps based on how many turns the capturing hero has been on the objective.The first hero to reach the objective has control so players need to clear the capturing hero before their hero can start to score it.

  I basically have one highy resiliant hero in my base list,that being the General GK on ZD,my other heros are basically 6 -8 wnds behind a 5+ save,though the GK on foot has a 4+.I can deffinatly see a sideboard pull on this one,exchaning probably my one battalion along with a Crypt Haunter Courtier and a unit of Crypt horror`s,possibly the Crypt flayers or Vargulf and bringing in a GK on TG and perhaps another GK on foot or Crypt Ghast Courtier.

  I think with this scenario and the way Flesh Eaters play,that being best when blobbed up and getting their 5+ ward and rerolls on wounds consistantly..I would need to jump forward right away with a Dragon mounted GK on two of the objectives,one middle and one to the side.This would allow alot more staying power as well as hitting power on two of the objectives.I could try to contest the third one but with basically army wide 5+ and 6+ saves and a 6+ ward,,getting outside of the 5+ bubble means dead flesh eaters outside the "feasting zone" .Now the army could certainly be built differently with a high number of Flayers and Infernal Courtiers,this giving alot of mobility but takes alot away from the wound and hit reroll effects that crypt horrors and the "Black Hunger" spell bubble from the GK on ZD.

  The Mournghoul has earned his spot as my only non Flesh Eater model for the army,,always draws attention and can be an awesome tank especially when shielded.


 All told,Im happy now that I got the starter box and am seeing the use for a second GK on Dragon in the army.

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  Thinking of switching things up a bit and running a Ghoul Patrol list backed by monsters-


 GK on ZD--General Ring of immortality




  Crypt Ghast Courtier(Ghoul Patrol Hero)






 20x Crypt Ghouls(Ghoul patrol)


 20x Crypt Ghouls(Ghoul patrol)


 20x Crypt Ghouls(Ghoul patrol)


   Battalion abilities--The Ghoul patrol starts off the board and enters play during the players first turn movement phase within 6" of any board edge,at least 9" from enemy models.


                               -During the players hero phase add d6 ghouls to each warscroll from the Ghoul Patrol on the board.


  With these abilities,I should be able to threaten back field shooters/objective campers effectively.

  Sideboarding options are good as I can switch out one of the monsters if I need to "go small" and bring in Crypt Horrors,or Flayers or even a second Crypt Ghast Courtier if I need even more unit regeneration.I believe I would have room for a Varghiest in the sideboard even.


  The average regerneration per turn in ghouls would probably be around 12 models too so thats nice for staying power.


 Drawback is that I will be opperating outside the 5+ ward bubble from the General.

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