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Is there a bearded marine head that would make a good Santa Clause?

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As Title. Was thinking about my Khorne projected paint scheme, and it occured that make a "Santa" Khrone Lord would be pretty easy, without actually changing the scheme much. 


So thinking SW must have one. Just need the head, I can find a body that would work. 


Can't find one, might have to make one. basically, I'm looking for http://hoardobits.com/cgi/hob/shop.pl?cat1=Bits&cat2=Warhammer&cat3=-Empire&cat4=%3EEM%20Flagellant%20Warband&page=&view=03262013-3-3 Third from the left of the third row from the top, except scaled for SM bodies. 


AOS has one, on this guy: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Exalted-Deathbringer-with-Impaling-Spear but I can't seem to find it sold as a single bit. 


I probably have the flagellant head.

Nah, I have one. I bought 80 of these for use as Zealots in my WH...so many bits still. And no, the sizes don't match up, they look like shunken heads. Would be fine if going for "true scale" looking marines, but they don't match up with SM head sizes. 


I may end up buying that AOS guy, despite him being both plastic and overpriced. 


He doesn't actually have that much volume on his beard (tho impressive length), and he's got it braided. Not a big bushy Santa beard at all.

Agree. He does have the 40k "sleigh" down, but that's it.


Finally realised that I have this Pathfinder model I've been using as a dwarf which was originally a Santa Clause minituture (more of an evil santa). Scale-wise, I think if I cut off the legs, that the upper torso and head will match up with PA SM model scale, more or less. But he sure has the beard down.

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