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Gathering Storm II: 2Storm 2Gathering


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First rule, Soulbound Vanguard:


"While a unit from this formation is joined by ~Name~ or ~Name~, add 1 to the Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill(?) characteristics of the models in that unit. This benefit(?) does not increase the characteristics of ~Name~ or ~Name~."


Second Rule:


"While a unit from this formation is within (one-digit distance) from another unit from this formation, they have the Furious Charge special rule."


Third rule:


"Units from this formation can make a ~Name of Special rule~ (page reference) if they are within (two-digit distance) of a unit that is destroyed, rather than (one-digit distance)."



So that tells us there is some new Eldar rule related to units dying (probably Eldar units, but possibly others as well)- which would fit with the Ynnead theme that is being pushed. I can't quite make out the rules in the second page, though, they're too blurry.

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PENDING Eldar Rumors - Jan 2017
Biel'Tan is destroyed
Yvraine is right (not Malys)
Unite the Eldars and awaken Ynnead
New faction called Ynnari
Aeldari, name of Eldar before the fall
New Psychic 'Revenant'
Triumverate buffed by death of nearby units
Yvraine is a psyker
Visarch over the top of all other eldar in CC
Yncarne, hard to kill

PENDING Eldar Rumors - Jan 2017
- For all we k now yet from the WD, Vect disagree with the Yvraine's project of unity and Ynnead awakening. The Covens too, because "dude, necromancy is OUR business !".

- Yvraine, who was a succubus, is killed by Lelith and reborn as the envoy of Ynnead. This cause a disjonction (seriously, again ? xD) and open the Khaine's gate.

- Eldrad is judged on Ulthwe by a concil of farseer for he have tried to awaken Ynnead by himself and without their approval. His judgment is interrupt by the arrival of Yvraine, and then the arrival of some eldar from Altansar (but we don't know at the moment what they'll do).

- For Biel'Tan, this is the wreck of his wraithbone core and the death of his inhabitants that partially awake Ynnead.

- For the Vysarch, it is said that he his some sort of bodyguard (and "more", but it don't said what), that he wear and armor of the ancient eldar beforme the Fall, and that he is a "dead eldar hero resurcted". Did I say that "somebody" died on Iyvanden ?

- On Iyanden "a great hero died while fighting against the chaos forces, but death isn't definitive now...". So, the Visarch IS Yriel.

- Iyanden is attacked by a chaos fleet when Yvraine arrive on board. Iyanden is the last step of her journey, then they'll go on Klaisus meet the survivors of Cadia.

PENDING Eldar Rumors - Jan 2017
Iyanden is the last step of her journey, then they'll go on Klaisus meet the survivors of Cadia
Sorry, my bad... I just continue to read the WD and no, this is not Yriel... I am disappointed =/
It's just a dire avenger exarch who flew from Biel'Tan for follow Yvraine when she gone to Commoragh, because of love, you know. He became an incubi, then a klaivex, and then the Visarch

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What causes Biel-Tan to go kaboom?
-Chaos fleet attack and deamon incursion

-Not Abbadon in person, as the events of the Fracture are in the same time as Cadia Falls. So, Abbadon is on Cadia when Biel'Tan is destroyed.

Any more mention of Sylandri Veilwalker?
- Yes : she's some sort of companion of Yvraine in her journey to unite the eldar and awaken Ynnead.

So I guess Commoragh is kind of a mess now. (Previously said that the khaine's gate have opened)
-Yes : disjonction, so deamons everywhere ^^'

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So, that French white dwarf had some info that might be interesting

-Aeldari are a thing

- Drukhari are also a thing. Looks like its referring to Dark Eldar

- There's something called the Exhumed who can harvest the power of soulstones to use as weapons. They basically call to the spirits within them to vaporise folks

-There's another group called the Ynnari, who aren't really trusted because their considered to be corrupted by demons.

- Seems like the Exhumed follows Ynnead, and wants the Eldar to follow suit. They want to restore Eldar society to how it was before the Fall. The problem is that they are really arrogant about it, so they tend to be treated with hostility.

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Translated text from B&C



The Aeldari and the Drukhari of all obediences, besides the most conservative, joined his cause. It is not an abstract philosophical current, for the new divinity exercises manifest powers - thus, the Exhumed can appeal to the souls of the spirits-stones that they carry to strengthen their own capacities, siphoning the power of the departed, To strike with strength, and to reduce their enemies to ashes by means of their strange weapons and their psychic powers. They have learned the secrets of the dead, and have thus become closer to their ancestors and their lost glory.


However, some consider the Ynnari as corrupt by the demonic forces they pretend to subdue, and others consider them already dead. Perhaps they are right. If the Exhumeds seek to recast Eldar society in the name of Ynnead to restore the glory of the ancient Aeldari, their arrogant and coercive approach is worth as much hostility as adherence. Worse still, the danger they represent for the dark gods pushes the forces of Chaos - especially Slaanesh - to rise like an infernal tsunami to consume them. Conflict and destruction disturb the wake of the Ynnari or they go. The truth which dominates without contest is that, besides, the Exhumed are bearers of death, and profuse.




Invested by the power of Ynnead, Yvraine is capable of attracting into her the souls of those who surround her, or they continue not as isotonic covenants but as voluntary allies. An outside observer believing that Yvraine bets alone, that she hears voices or that she changes her personality without transition. If one does not know one's creed, one can legitimately believe it to be mad, but the Ynnari know what it is. Their mistress has many lives in her. The Exhumed, who adamantly adore Ynnead, share an echo of his aptitude, and carry the spirit-spirits of the departed to purify their wisdom, experience, and knowledge. And the need never felt so much now that the extinction of the eldars and its shadow on the galaxy.


Ynnari=Followers of Ynnead - faction

Exhumated= Ynnari with superpowers (Yvrayne, Visarch)

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Have you heard the Age of the Emperor (that's the AoS version of 40k) rumors yet....?

-40k moves to a special trapezoid base because GW can copyright that shape.

-The emperor is found, I guess he didn't die after all. Horus is forgiven. Chaos marines rejoin the imperium.

-The ruinous powers of chaos instead infect the tryanid and the necrons, becoming one combined faction.

-Tau successfully join the Orks in the name of the greater good. Age of Cybork arises.

-And 40k is now using the same 2 page rulebook that AoS uses. This rulebook is re-released in a $90 format.

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It's twitch day. 
We will edit the post with screen shots in case you miss something.

Started adding screen from the new eldar book

Transcript :

A lot of history from Eddie on the Eldar race.

In a nutshell: If they all die they can spawn Ynnead and destroy Slaanesh. 
Eldrad's plan is to be able to do it without all Eldar going down. That's what happened in Death Masque but he's interrupted by a Deathwatch Kill Team and flees in the webway. That marks the start of the Gathering Storm.

Story starts in a Dark eldar Arena in Commoragh, during a must have ticket event. They have hybrid tyranids from leviathan/kraken.

Yvrainne : got in trouble in a craftworld by killing a seer (renegade) maybe she's a seer/aspect warrior. and fightd now in the arena. 
she dies in the arena but a spirit power from Death Masque (summoned by eldrad) goes into her and she becomes the Prophet of Ynnead.

Red eldar : Mysterious, armor style (or armor itself) dating back since before the fall. Respected by aspect warriors and Incubii.

Transcript by Atia :

- The book starts in Commoragh - a shard of Ynnead is there, Yvraine finds it. 
- If there is too much psychic activity there - Slaanesh comes for you. So they are scared. 
- Yvraine flees the city, gets saved by the Visarch - we don't know how he is.

- The Craftworlds are coming together. Eldar don't talk literally - the fracture is both the way what happens and what factions come out. 
- Craftworlds weren't always one ship. Bigger than anything the imperium has, bigger than the Rock. Made up of different ships that are all stuck together. 
- Biel-Tans infinity matrix has a fracture - there is a split. 
- It's the kickstart Ynnead needs to get born. All the Eldar souls who are locked up there birth the new god. All the "parts" of Biel-Tan split up. It's basically a fleet now, instead of a craftworld. 
- The Avatar is in the center of all the souls of eldar of Biel-Tan who died in the last 10k years. He is the proof that the prophecy of Ynnead is real. A beacon of hopes for all Eldar. They can now fight against Slaanesh. 
- The Avatar is the mirror of Slaanesh - they are siblings. His power comes from Eldar souls - hence he looks quite Slaaneshi. They are made of the same stuff.

- Lots of interplay between the different Eldar factions in the book. 
- When it's desperate, Eldar of all kind will fight against a common vow. Other times, they fight against each other, even Craftworlds vs Craftworlds. 
- Now, the Eldar god of the dead is summoned - some see this as a hope for their race. 
- These make up a new faction - basically the Eldar who believe in Ynnead. They have now a red colour scheme (like the Visarch, he is their leader). These are the Ynnari. Lead by the prophetess and the Visarch. 
- Lots of wyches and Incubii.

- Some Eldar (of all kind) are very against this - especially the Haemoncolus Covens. They see this as "they steal our jobs". If there is a god of the dead - no slaves and stuff, so they are not happy. 
- Clashes between the Haemoncolus Covens and the Ynnari.

- Part II is not a sequel - it happens at the same time of 'Fall of Cadia'. 
- It ends at the same point as the first book.

- Rules to make the Ynnari. You can mix different Eldar races into one army now. They loose their army rules but gain instead a new special rule. 
- Basically - when your eldar units die, your own units become more powerful.

- Ynnari are a whole new faction of the Eldar. 
- Aeldari is the name for all Eldar. 
- If you already got an army, you can decide to play it as Ynnari, but not all units can be taken. Most of the stuff can be used though.


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Rules Discussion:

Lose previous army rules. No fleet and shoot. No power for pain. New army rule: Army of the Incarne. When your eldar units die, your own units become more powerful. You have to lose a whole unit, but other units gain power. Sort of a reverse Dark Eldar rule. Multiple small units for sure.

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