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Lord Hanaur

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So.  I was hoping that July 28th-30 when OFCC was happening would have us all there.


I would prefer, I think, to play in a Flames of War event this year and I am thinking that if we could get like 24 commitments (meaning we just say "Hey you wanna play on those dates?  Great, give me $50 right now and we'll call you committed) by April, we could take the money and the roster and say "slap us on that calendar of yours!  Take our money!"


100% money back guarantee if we don't hit 24.  Portland, Olympia, Seattle, and Eastern Washington?  Maybe some others?


Just a thought.  It's how i run my Grand Tournament.  that way I'm not wondering whether we are going to make it or not.  Just set a deadline for making the number we need and if we dont, no one loses.  if we do, commitments are paid for and cost certainty is done and done.


Anywho, your calls of course but juuuuust wanted to float it out there.  with 24, we would essentially play a round robin tournament, teams of 4.  5 games.  Top team goes home with the bragging rights.


Come to think of it...  We could do this with or without the OFCC, but it would be cooler to expose other people to the hobby and then like promote it to local schools so students can come watch us play with our plastic/pewter crack.


I should be worn out from this weekend but it got me thinking: "never tell me the odds!"

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What do you get for 50 bucks?

entire weekend of gaming, lots of prizes, and a weekend from the family if you like that sort of thing.  meet lots of people, do lots of stuff.


$50 was just a number.  I could set up a paypal account right frakkin' now and have people pay to it to collect up the cash.  The gaming Czar for the event would probably have a price point but its typically been $50 for a lot of their events.  Two day event so you gotta' sweeten the pot right?


As one who has gone to the OFCC event a lot of times now, i can say that its been a very fun weekend for me most years, and the concept of TEAM vs. team is really fun.  With 24 of us, there would be exactly enough for a 5 round, round robin event.  everyone gets to meet everyone and so on.


Now we do not have to do this at OFCC.  We could easily do it at the Game Matrix in Tacoma.  i know i would instantly be able to arrange that.  But to show support for the Ordo Fanaticus and to improve our visibility and presence AS A GAME going into this new version, it might be a good place to shine a spotlight on it.  LOT of people roaming the tables before, during, and after their games.  So as far as promoting our hobby it is kind of hard to beat this venue for exposure.


EDIT:  oh and if we cant get at least say 18 (six teams of three), we just refund everyone.  6 teams of four would be cooler.

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Well, response last year was mixed:

Yes, we'd like to go, but asking $30 for a one-day event turned a lot of people off.

Also, 4-person teams did not get filled out. This year, we are going with 2-person teams.

I submitted a proposal for 2-person teams.

I anticipate getting 4-5 teams.

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Well people who go to this event have to understand what it really is.  it is a Games Day.  it is less a tournament and more like a celebration of the game and of sportsmanship.


The cost of the venue (and correspondingly higher quality of course) is a consideration and it's not inexpensive and the TO's do a ton o work for this event.  So i do not mind spending the money to support the growth of our hobby.  I already do that in miriad ways.


But once you get something like this rolling, as the OFCC learned, it becomes "a thing".  People hear that there were 24 people and that it was so cool and then they start maybe thinking about playing or even going next year.  OFCC grew from a little invitational event to what it is now.  


the death of Warhammer Fantasy was suuuuuuuper unfortunate and put a lot of pressure on the event, opening it up to more games as a result.


we had 26 people at our first Northwest Invasion.  I'm just saying, it can be done.  But even if we don't do it AT OFCC, we can start collecting commitments for a really nice event if we basically personally network the crap out of it.  Each person commits and commits to bring one person and sells that commmitment to that one person.  Cash on the barrel head, then and there.  No backing outsies.


Once money is on that barrel head, commitment level rises.  =)


Anywho, whatevers clever but they didnt mention Flames of War in their pronouncement so i assumed it had not been moving forward.

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Era: MW

Pts: 100

Theme: prob n. Africa, since that's where all cool shiny new plastics released spring/summer. But old lists and non-plastics still supposed to be workable in v4, with "bridge books" .

Rules: FoW v4

Teams: 2 per. Last year, could not fill out four-man teams.

Rounds: 3 in one day

Prizes: TBD

Entry fee: still working on that. Last year, majority of interested gamers balked at $50 for weekend or even 2 days.

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... You are really cutting down the field of players if that is the case. ...

Make a suggestion


Here is how we have RCDD FoW Tournaments laid out, so far, for 2017:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Dogs-of-War 2017: March 25 - is EW tournament @ PDX

ENFILADE! 2017: May 27 - is LW tournament @ Olympia

OFCC 2017: July 29 - should be MW tournament @ Vancouver, WA

Northwest Invasion 2017: OCT 14 or 21 (tent) - period is TBD, loc TBD

TANKSgiving 2017: NOV 18? (tent) - period is TBD, loc TBD

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I haven't even read 4th, but I suppose if i committed to the event, it would rapidly make me have to which might be a good thing.  Lol.


It's like what happened with Warmachine.  I got left behind when the new edition came out because I simply didn't have the time to learn yet another new system and now i am looking for excuses to force me to.  hehehe.

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I haven't even read 4th, but I suppose if i committed to the event, it would rapidly make me have to which might be a good thing.  Lol.

What I am trying to avoid is splitting the small local FoW community into even smaller groups, by having some in v3, but not v4, and vice versa.

Also, the cognitive dissonance of mentally switching between similar, but different versions, takes a fun game and makes it stressful.


I'm OK with, in the short term, having some events in v3, and some in v4, so long as they are separated by a few days or weeks so I can get re-oriented.


But as Battlefront rolls out more stuff in v4, I would rather follow than be left behind as a curmudgeon with a shrinking group of gamers (in v3).

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