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About Thatxboxguy

  • Birthday 12/17/1969

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  1. Thank you, we DONT need the FBI at my door again for a declaration form stating 'a variety of small guns' Thanks Don Tim
  2. Hi Don, did you have an idea on a price? I've been slowly getting into the newer, plastic side of Necromunda. I also have a ton of metal Delaques. According to old books, I'm 1 short of having them all. Same with my Echer gang.
  3. 10 mkvi Marines (30k), New with bases, 45 dollars, Primaris Dreadnoght, New with base, 60 dollars. please be willing to come to Gresham. I am disabled and no longer drive.
  4. I have a small box of Space Wolf marines and Terminator bits.
  5. Is the Terrain plastic on sprue? I'm not familiar with the set. How much are you asking for chaos half? Thanks
  6. Hey Don, any specifics? I have about 200 older issues in my library. I'm in Gresham now, PM me and let's make a play date? As much as I love them, they sit unused too much. Thanks! Tim
  7. I wish I had enough to trade, this sounds amazing!
  8. I'm in need of a really good greenstuff sculpter, locally, (oregon/washington). This is a serious commission and I'm a judgemental buyer. I've been burned twice through FB. I have a Terminator Lord I am converting from different bits and models. I need a head sculpt. I will provide bald head with cyber eye. I need long hair to be added, draping just barely across the chest's wings and a long beard just slightly longer, both blowing to the right (his).I would like to start this October 1st. By then his legs and bits should have arrived from Ebay. Please contact me privately for my FB info so we can talk through chat. Please provide pics of previous greenstuff work. Thanks Tim I'm in need of a really good greenstuff sculpter, locally, (oregon/washington). This is a serious commission and I'm a judgemental buyer. I've been burned twice through FB. I have a Terminator Lord I am converting from different bits and models. I need a head sculpt. I will provide bald head with cyber eye. I need long hair to be added, draping just barely across the chest's wings and a long beard just slightly longer, both blowing to the right (his).I would like to start this October 1st. By then his legs and bits should have arrived from Ebay. Please contact me privately for my FB info so we can talk through chat. Please provide pics of previous greenstuff work. Thanks Tim
  9. In search of 7, inexpensive, classic space marines for my space wolf army, armed with bolters. Space wolf models a bonus. Wolf head, marine's helmets Wolf pelts attached to armor. Fur loin cloths attached to armor. 10 inexpensive fenrisian wolves. Located in Gresham Thanks
  10. In search of 'rocket engines' for my Ork Dakka ship. They don't need to be 40k specific, i want the variety. Star Wars/GiJoe/Transformers/Playschool/etc. Looking for 8-10 medium sized ideally. The Orks found a completely stripped Millennium Falcon on FB Marketplace and dragged it home. Now it needs engines, hyperdrive, outboard motors, whatever will get this thing off the ground and in the air. How the boss let it slip by that there were no engines was a mystery. Currently running steam pipes under cargo bays and chain fence along the walls.
  11. Landraider for sale. Got in trade, discovered wrong loadouts for chaos Hurricane bolters and twin assault cannons. Primed black. Cant post pics due to site size restrictions and my phone. $50 obo Willing To ship $8 flat rate priority shipping.
  12. Paypal is fine 😉 I'll take this to PM. If you are local, we can meet at your convenience
  13. Keep me updated. I have placed a large number of collectibles on FB Marketplace and going to the emergency room every other night for my shots. Still going to cost money, but helps short term. Thanks for reaching out. I'm still waiting on a reply from the state on what will happen with my insurance and Medicare.
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