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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, 300 Points. It is time to play Safe Area! I hope to see you all there. Time: 3 PM to 7 PM (we sometimes close later) Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: Infinity! All are welcome. We also have tables open for Blood Bowl, Necromunda, AoS, 40k, or whatever game you want to play. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game before coming down. Hope to see you there.
  2. I hope to see @Exile, @dataentity, @PaladinX, @rudra34, @Caitlandia, @Muskrat, @Sgt. Rock, @PortlandOutcast, @scotthartman, @George, @Gremlin King, and You ! Plus, Pub afterwords!
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, 300 Points. It is time to play Frontline! I hope to see you all there. Time: 3 PM to 7 PM (we sometimes close later) Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: Infinity! All are welcome. We also have tables open for Blood Bowl, Necromunda, AoS, 40k, or whatever game you want to play. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game before coming down. Hope to see you there.
  4. From the Monster Manual 1977.
  5. Raindog


    3. At the beginning of a turn, you can spend a command token to retake control of a TAG that has been possessed by a hacking attack. Once a command token is used, it is gone for good and cannot be reused. They are very valuable. There are only four to use for the entire game.
  6. Raindog


    2. A model can heal at range with a med kit. It is like a pistol with healing Nanobots in it. The doctor or paramedic with the med kit shoots it at the unconscious model. A BS attack must be made to hit the model. Then, if the unconscious model is hit, it must make a PH -3 roll. If the roll is made, the model has a single wound. If the model fails, it is dead. Additionally, a doctor can have a helper bot like a Zond bot linked with him. The helper bit can be moved using the doctor’s orders to touch the unconscious model and try to heal it. Similarly, Engineers can do this with helper bots to heal remotes and TAGs.
  7. Raindog


    1. When you place a model with TO, or Thermal Optic Camouflage, on the table, you can do it in three ways. First, you can place him in a revealed state. He is not a marker, but Models trying to hit him suffer a -6 to hit him. Second, the model can start in a camo marker state. The opposition must discover the camo model before they can react (ARO) to him, unless the TO model reveals by attacking, etc. Third, a TO camo model can start in a hidden deployment state. This is what you were talking about. The model is on the table, but is not marked. The model remains hidden until the owning player chooses to act or react with it. If a player starts his turn with a model in the hidden deployment state, the player does not count his order to the order pool. When the model is revealed, it uses its own order to go into the marker state to move or revealed state to move and attack .
  8. Oh, the new proxy models rules make me so happy. I had been mulling over using Morlocks as Jaguars. I just don’t like the Jag models. Now, if I go back to Nomads, I will be subing one for the other. Second, I have been painting again. I am working on an Asiwira Doctor. The armor is done. I am working on the weapons, helm, and base.
  9. Thank you Cody, Pete, Berman, Jeff, Jesse, Joel, and Michaels for attending. Thanks to everyone who helped clean up from the Annilation and bring boxes back to the club.
  10. Raindog


    JSA get their own dice. The Ryuken Unit 9 FO ODD is amazing. The Kempeti is must have. Watch the Beasts of War videos for more info.
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