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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Sunday as usual. I am looking for a 2400 point game. Any takers?
  2. Sunday as usual. I am looking for a 2400 point game. Any takers?
  3. He is not official GW, but he play tests the books for GW.
  4. From the album: Raindog's Album

    Magnets on the bottom of the bases attract to the magnets on the template.
  5. Raindog


    From the album: Raindog's Album

    Look, you can't see through the trees! Treekin could hide in there!
  6. Raindog


    From the album: Raindog's Album

    The stones are all carved sheet magnets.
  7. I just listened to Bad Dice Daily 359. Start at minute 1.48 to go. He rules a when there is ASL and ASF vs. a model with ASF. The ASF model goes first and re-rools if the initiative is equal or greater than his opponent. The ASF/ASL strikes at Initiative order.
  8. Spent a bit of time layering browns on a Dryad.. Woot!
  9. As opposed to the 3+ Ward Save item where you re-roll ones………...
  10. On Monday, I flocked the template for the Wood Elves free wood. Today, was the first time I had a chance to shake off the extra flocking and look at the results. The template was fine, but a bit thin in places, so I added watered down glue to spots and reflocked the piece. Now, I need to wait. I played two games over the weekend. In the first, I played TJP's re-tooled Chaos Army. It is MoT and MoS. It kicked my butt. I had no answers for his flying caster of Doom. It is really next to unkillable and is plenty blasty. I made four huge mistakes in the game. Tim made none. Lessons, 1) Chaos Warriors are better than Elf Lords in combat. I long for ASF like the other elves, but that may be a long time in coming. 2) MoS is underrated as a mark. 3) I need to dance more. I thought I had good combats, but I did not. 4) Giants are bad news against dragons. Next, I played Rudra34's Beasts. The army has more drops than mine and can counters most of my tricks. I have one answer for his Doombull, charge it in the butt with my Dragon. Unfortunately, I broke him, but did not run him down. I eeked out a win, but made one big mistake that nearly cost me the game. Lessons Learned, 1) The boosted Amber Spear rocks. 2) Tuskgor chariots are anemic. 3) Dance more. 4) Razorgors are better than eagles.
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