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Everything posted by fluger

  1. Get some depleted uranium.
  2. I had this debate with Koyote (Shawn that you played against at my house), and we agree that it is ambiguous. I'm of the opinion that the mawloc happens first.
  3. Huh, I guess you're right, I looked at Stubborn again and at Deathleaper and I guess that even though the guy's leadership would drop by whatever, for pinning and morale, he'd still be at 10. That's strange, and strong.
  4. OMG, I hadn't considered that. Fair enough. :(
  5. I know you are mostly kidding, but, I don't think anyone here ever suggested Nids didn't have a chance against CSM, it has mostly been two thoughts, sometimes concurrent. 1. The Nid dex did not drastically improve lots of units that needed improving, and instead made arbitrary changes that had potentially damaging consequences. 2. The Nid dex doesn't have the horsepower to go after the big baddies of 40k, the Tau, Eldar, and Taudar.
  6. Abuse, I'm not talking about being in cover, I'm talking about being out of LOS. And, yes, PEN can make them stubborn too, but, again, with Deathleaper, his leadership should be less, so even if they are stubborn, it might only be Ld8. Better than a kick in the head.
  7. May I recommend a WordPress blog? It's super easy to use and you don't have to pay money for it. Easy way to upload stuff. Just have the FB page link to it.
  8. More or less, but it also has a long range and one could hide the stealers as well if they don't have turn 1.
  9. Also, unless you are running an ethereal, this unit is susceptible to pinning since I can use Deathleaper to lower his Ld to at LEAST 9, and then The Horror hits at a Ld7 test. Pretty decent odds of pinning it. Again, not a foolproof solution by any means, but it is an answer.
  10. Oops, yeah, broadsides. In any event, yes, they can be killed easily by Tau if they are in SMS range and in the open. That isn't a question, the advantage of doing it this way is to split up fire. @Munkie, yes, that's a great way to set up that unit, but not everyone does it that way.
  11. Oh God, what have you done!?!?! There goes my job!
  12. Ok, let's talk SMS in the context of the list I wrote. What has SMS? Mostly it is riptides, skyrays, and devilfish. The SMS on riptides are pretty much guaranteed to blow up a single venomthrope thanks to ripple fire, and the BS4 on the skyrays means they should down one, the devilfish at BS3 is a crap shoot (1.33 wounds to one). However, outside of the devilfish, having such nasty weapon systems using only a part of their firepower to drop a venomthrope is just a win IMO. The vehicles in that list are probably not going to be too close up to the line, and the riptide MIGHT be, but it is probably hanging back a bit. If the Tau player is going first, it should be possible to put the venomthropes out of LOS, out of range of SMS, and still in a position to hand out shrouding. Now, if the Nid player goes first, they can just move up en masse and, mostly likely, just take their lumps, but the turn 2 charge potential is strong and there should be lots of threats out there. Now, the skyrays and the devilfish are nice targets for lictors charging solo as with all their S6 attacks they can easily shut those down. The Riptide is threatened by getting pinned by the broodlords and if it could also be bothered by the rending attacks of the stealers and lictors (though that's not ideal either). Look at all the threats that are there for the Tau on turn 1 and 2. Do you kill all the lictors/genestealers in front of you that could kill lots of your stuff? Do you go after the Swarmlord? Do you go after the Venomthropes? Do you start whittling down the giant horde of gribblies? Do you take down the Carnifexes? Tau shoot lots, they are tough, but the issue that this army presents is that there are so many things to shoot at. IMO, by the time the venomthropes would be in danger of being SMS fodder, they have already done their job. Honestly, the real issue that Tau present for this list is the shooting of things like missilesides and just lots of kroot or firewarriors with ethereal support.
  13. Yeah, SMS is bad news, but the point of the venomthrope is to force shots at it and give the rest of the army a chance to move up. Also, not every army has SMS so freaking out about it is silly. It's like saying hordes are impossible because of purifiers. Yes, most units have hard counters.
  14. Yeah, the FSR instantly adds credible anti-air and still functions in the way the bastion does.
  15. Yeah, see my earlier list. :D
  16. I don't care about bikes! Bikes are for children!
  17. Well, we should plan it out really well. What Saturdays work for everyone in April?
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