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Everything posted by fluger

  1. My recommendation is get a really boring job with computer access.
  2. It's kind of a trick because no one is going back to my old posts prior to the site upgrade, so there's about 7.5k worth of posts I'll never get likes on. :D Not that I care about this too much or anything... :D
  3. I also think people aren't factoring in that his sabres now just cause instant death. There is no roll anymore. If he gets a wound through, unless they are EW, that thing is dead. Obviously the issue is that he is on foot, but there should be enough early pressure, and he should be skulking that I don't anticipate losing him early.
  4. I don't think that the list is gimmicky...
  5. Yeah, best case scenario is that a riptide is in range of a Ld9 Ethereal and then is -2 from The Horror. If I can leverage a lictor into 12" range he's at a Ld6 check. If ethereal isn't there or is down to Ld8, and the Riptide is in range of a lictor, it is now taking The Horror at Ld5.
  6. Oops, 5th ed creeping in then. Regardless, they are -1 leadership from the lictors. And, again, I'm not fretting against DA, I see this as an answer to Tau.
  7. As to flyers, see my last comment. Stubborn doesn't help for pinning. Yes, truly fearless armies, this will be a problem, but, as discussed elsewhere, the big issues are going to be found with Eldar and Tau. Tau are pretty non fearless, and actually have pretty low leadership, forcing riptides to take a pinning check on a 5 (-1 from near a lictor and then -2 for The Horror) is pretty hilarious. Obviously fearless vehicles are a problem.
  8. It's all about Mogul Kamir as well. He gives you rage, fearlesss, and furious charge.
  9. Ok, so after the Tyranid Vanguard dataslate dropped, I think I have a workable list now that really fits how I would wish Nids would work. Here's the dataslate: So then: Swarmlord: 285 2 Tyrant Guard: 100 30 Termagants: 120 Tervigon: 195 5 Genestealers: 130 Broodlord 5 Genestealers: 130 Broodlord 22 Hormagaunts: 110 22 Hormagaunts: 110 Venomthrope: 45 Venomthrope: 45 2 Biovores: 80 2x Carnifexes: 270 Adrenal Glands Deathleaper Assassination Brood Deathleaper: 130 5x Lictors: 250 Deathleaper, the Lictors, and the Genestealers are infiltrating and causing leaderships to drop and hopefully pinning things. They are credible offensive threats against units susceptible to melee and or vehicles. While they are in distraction mode, the rest of the horde advances at the enemy. Only issue is dealing with flyers, but even that is manageable with how many bodies will be on the ground.
  10. Well, I think Orks would work better as stormtroopers with their bs of 2. :D Realistically, those proxies make sense. Only thing I'd change is royal guards being Dire Avengers.
  11. Dale. When are we getting together again? I think we should do several games of Kill Team.
  12. OK, well I'm definitely doing March and April. So, Warhamsters! PLAN A ROAD TRIP!
  13. Skyslashers? I read your reasoning, but I think you overestimate their value.
  14. I would like a Warhamster fix. Would you be able to come in March to a games day at my humble abode?
  15. That is Aaron Paul, who plays Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad. His character pretty much says "bitch" ALL the time, and it has become kind of a running gag. Do a quick google search for Aaron Paul or Jesse Pinkman and Bitch and you will be overloaded. Also, you should watch the show because it is phenomenal.
  16. Oh, but you should treasure your post to likes ratio. It's a sparkling 19.1 posts per like. I'm at a paltry 49.5 ppl.
  17. edit: I hope that Breaking Bad has achieved enough cultural gestalt consciousness that I don't have to explain that this is funny.
  18. If he's playing against my Orks, I will have meganobz...
  19. I like the general thrust of his argument on why IB isn't as bad as advertised, but I don't agree with his thesis.
  20. While I agree with this, that is also something that costs, what, 140/150 pts more? For 90 pts you have a useful HQ. While he has no access to divination, the telepathy tree is decent and is really only useful as a level 2.
  21. Bro G, he already references the part of the FAQ that states if two things are both supposed to happen at the same time, the player gets to choose the order. I'm not going to say his argument is air-tight, but I can see where he's coming from.
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