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Everything posted by fluger

  1. A positive post about the dex: http://www.frontlinegaming.org/2014/01/20/guest-editorial-by-kevin-tyranids-are-good/
  2. General Rules: * Tyranids gain access to Telepathy and Telekinesis BRB powers (Fluger's right that Biomancy is largely redundant, and these Disciplines represent a much more dangerous psychic presence hinted in older fluff) Rather than this, they should've gone with what they did with Eldar and have two different psychic trees, one based on maledictions/debuffs and such that are offensive based and then one that is based on buffs and such. Take what we have now and just ramp it up a bit * Instinctive Behavior goes from a 1-3/4-5/6 to 1/2-5/6 split (making it risky to leave synapse, but greatly mitigating the negative effects of IB: Feed on the units that have it - which happen to also be the units that are most likely to outrun synapse...Raveners and Hormaguants being prime examples. IB: Feed is the single worst rulechange in the entire book). IB is still a thing this way, and still messes up your control of the unit (Feeders must assault, Lurkers must hide, Hunters must shoot) but is not outright damaging and cumbersome in list-building and play. I would simplify it to this: Lurkers: They go to ground if they fail IB Hunters: They cannot move or run and must shoot at closest enemy unit if they fail IB. Feeders: They cannot shoot or run and must assault the closest enemy unit if they fail IB. * Synapse grants 6+ FNP (this one's iffy, but a small gimme would be great for encouraging people to take Synapse, and for keeping your Synapse Critters in the game) I think if we make IB less of a thing, this isn't necessary, but I like it. * New Rule - Mycetic Assault: Any unit containing 1 Monstrous Creature; up to 5 Very Bulky models; up to 10 Bulky models; or up to 20 infantry models can choose to Deep Strike for 50 points. These models begin play in Reserve and deploy per the Drop Pods rule (Boom, no models needed and still costs a premium over more Deep-Strikey armies). Perfect. I also always thought that the mycetic spore should just dissapate after use, not continue to be there. This is a great rule. * New Rule - Ambush Assault: Unit can assault on the first turn of the game, and on the turn it arrives from Reserve or Deep Strikes I think this is unnecessary and I think it is clear that GW is not going to include this ever again. I would say do something different like on the turn a unit with this rule arrives from reserve, or the first turn if this unit infiltrated, the enemy may only fire snap shots at them. Keeps from turn 1 assaults or assaulting from reserve, but still means they aren't just hanging out waiting to die. Weapons Changes: * Scything Talons rule returns to reroll 1s in assault if you have any (no benefit for two pairs - that's replaced by the second set of CCWs rule in current dex. They can keep or lose AP 6 for all I care). Wow, they're no longer totally worthless on most critters that have them! I actually would go another way with this, scything talons gives the shred USR. * Crushing Claws give +2 STR and Armorbane I don't think this needs to change, just the points values for it currently. * Spore weapons get cleaned up - they're a goddamn mess right now. Yes, clean this up. HQ: * Hive Tyrant gains a new rule: Hive Mind Scion: Gains +/-1 to all Reserves roll. Can gain 2+ save for 35 points, exclusive of Wings. Not sure if we need to go back to this. I think the tyrant guard should just get another wound instead. The +1/-1 should just be an upgrade. * Tervigon becomes Monstrous Creature (Character); Brood Progenitor tests are made against the Tervigon's Ld; Synaptic Backlash has a distance of 2d6" rather than 12". Yes to all three. * Tyranid Prime cost reduced back to 100 pts. ORRR, give it another wound. * Deathleaper gains Ambush Assault rule Per what I wrote earlier, don't think it needs it. Troops: * Tyranid Warriors can gain Bonded Exoskeleton for +5 points/model. Doesn't really help with their main drawback, ID, but not a bad idea. * Genestealers reduced to 12 points each and gain Ambush Assault. Scything talons reduced in points to 2 pts/model. Can take Flesh Hooks at 2 pts/model. Upgrade to Ymgarl stealers (gain Ymgarl Factor rule, per the bio artifact) for +4 points each I don't think they need to be reduced in cost that drastically AND get the ability to assault turn one. Rather, I say keep them the same, no ambush assault (I think that should be a lictor thing), but give them +1 attack and then keep all the upgrades you just listed. * Hormagaunt Toxin Sacs reduced to 2 pts each I'm less worried about that than I am that I think that AG should go down in points because they already have fleet. Should be just 1 pt. Also, per my revision of scy tals, they have shred as well. I think that is nice. Elites: * Doom of Malantai: Returned, but costs 150 pts and cannot trade out its power. Yes, also make it HQ. * Hive Guard BS returned to 4, and WS lowered to 3 Nah, just lower the points on them. * Venomthropes gain Fleet Nah. * Lictors gain Ambush Assault rule Yes, as per my change. * Pyrovores gain Torrent (Probably have to increase their cost by +10 pts); can take Toxin at 3 pts and Adrenal at 5 pts (as Hive Guard) No reason to up points. Fast: * Harpy and Crones may reroll failed Grounding Tests I don't think this is necessary, honestly. I just think they should be a smidge cheaper.
  3. I think a wraith list can certainly be viable, I just think you need wave serpents to make it hum. Check out JMGraham's thread about his Eldar list. The core parts of a wraith-heavy list are there. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/19377-eldar-list-fast-faster-fastest/
  4. LOL, I haven't changed it in years. Much like my army lists.
  5. I "liked" that mostly for your commentary, not for the sad state of affairs it represents.
  6. We play at my house. See my sig! :D
  7. Are you talking about replicating the existing Necromunda bulkheads en masse and then letting others find the card stock, or are you talking about something original? Either way, I think that's awesome.
  8. I like that. Regen to FnP, Catalyst just makes one unit have FnP. Done. The other stuff is just more cumbersome. I'm looking for a simple "house rule" that would bring Nids back in line with everything else.
  9. I disagree. The battle focus mechanic was new and drastically altered a lot of the value of certain units. And the shuriken rules were perfect. Guardians went from garbage to useful with a quick stat bump. Swooping Hawks were awful and are now exceptional. Shining Spears went from terribad to...pretty decent (especially with Autarch support). Rangers dropped in points to become useful. I love the Eldar codex, I just wish they didn't have serpent shields that shoot and wraithknights the way they are and it would be a perfect codex.
  10. I think my biggest complaint is that the dex just doesn't seem like that much of a departure from the last. Look at all the stuff that changed from the Tau codex to the next, or the Eldar codex to the newest one, or the Daemon one. Nids could have been radically different, but weren't. They flat out didn't change several units which NEEDED to be changed, and made arbitrary point adjustments. Are ripper swarms tearing up GW HQ? Why did they go UP in points!??!!
  11. Yes, but you are forced to buy units that do little else than make everything work as it is supposed to. No other codex has such widespread negatives and lack of control on your own army without paying bonus for, essentially, HQs. What if all IG units started running away if you killed the command squads? In a vacuum, most of the Nid units are fine, but when you start realizing how many points you have to pay to make sure the whole thing is in synapse range, you realize you're working with less actual points. As to not complaining if this dex came out first, yes, that is true. Like I said from the getgo, this dex is about on par with most of the 6th ed codexes. Tau and Eldar just continue to be head and shoulders above the rest in terms of take all comers, competitive builds.
  12. What IB rules are you reading, Pax? Lurking units fail morale 50% of the time. Feeding units just kill themselves basically 50% of the time. Hunting units GtG 50% of the time. All the results except for the 6 are bad and even they aren't that good. I have no idea how this can be remotely better than the old IB for Feeding units which gained Rage and nothing else. How in the WORLD is that better?
  13. I really don't think either of those would help much. Biomancy is nice, obviously, but comparing it directly to the Nid list doesn't do it any favors. Catalyst is better than Endurance for the most part since it effects two units and the primaris power is more universally useful. Factor in that most of the Nid units are going to be Lvl1 or MAYBE lvl2 pskyers and you aren't really getting a lot of value there. As to allying with themselves, that's cute, and I could see it working, but it isn't really a great solution beyond being able to get a 4th HS and Elite. What I like about my proposal is that it isn't a significant change to anything beyond the reading of two different things. Very simple and really helps.
  14. Here's my simple fix for the Nid dex to make it competitive. 1. Change Regeneration to give the model FnP. 2. Change Catalyst so that if either the caster or the target already had FnP it is improved by (most likely becomes 4+) Now that 20 pt upgrade makes sense to take, and most Nid players would do it in a heartbeat to keep their synapse alive and give their MCs more survivability. It requires very little more than an errata, and it pushes the dex into seriously competitive levels without making it broken. Thoughts? Pumpkinhead, you're my regular Nid opponent, what would YOU think of doing that? I'd like to try it out.
  15. Went a different way: Tons of early pressure with all the stealers and lictors, and a nice deep strike inbound from the Mawlocs and Shrikes. Also, there's a tervigon in the backfield with a ton of terms to control two objectives if need be. The idea is put enough early pressure on my opponent that they won't clear the Tervigon or terms in time. Assuming this army can go first, being able to potentially pin two dangerous units could give them the resiliency they need to survive the turn one barrage of fire (obviously no guarantee). If the board has enough LOS blocking terrian, I rate its chances as decent. Without it, kiss it goodbye. Still. Could be a nice army.
  16. At the moment, Reece is pretty upset about balance shenanigans with 40k. Overall, they are a great group of guys that are just trying to promote the hobby and their store.
  17. HoGs HATE him! Try this one weird OFCC question and never be confused again!
  18. I think that statement is true for the majority of the 6th edition dexes/builds.
  19. RCNJack, the only IG model that has that is the Stormlord. The others don't. Or maybe I'm misremembering.
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