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Everything posted by fluger

  1. Bro G, IMO, his reasoning is sound. However, his list is illegal, since, as we discussed earlier, a Tervigon cannot be a warlord.
  2. Two ways rough riders could be better and they are linked. 1. If they could assault when coming out of reserve. This would make them a credible counter-assault unit, but the issue is that it is hard to hide them and they are pretty easy to kill with dedicated shooting and represent a clear danger to potential assault-oriented opponents. 2. If they could use Creed's ability and outflank. Sadly, the wording on this doesn't allow for cavalry, so they can't outflank either, which, again, if they could assault after coming out of reserve would make them really deadly. As it stands, it is easy to make blobs dangerous to assault (power axes, flamers, various allies) and therefore a counter-assault element is superfluous.
  3. That $185 level looks about the right amount of terrain for a 40k game (since you wouldn't want SO much dense terrain). Combine it with the $90 (IIRC) urban combat mat from Frontline and paint on the terrain and you have a REALLY nice looking board for less than $300. That's really cool.
  4. Well, I don't even own a single one. I just like building lists. :D
  5. What's my motto? "Better lucky than good."
  6. With the realization that one can take buildings with Nids and have them be useful: Tyranid Prime: 165 Norn Crown 30 Termagants: 120 Tervigon: 195 21 Hormagants: 105 20 Hormagants: 100 20 Hormagants: 100 3 Shrikes: 90 3 Shrikes: 90 Venomthrope: 45 3 Hive Guard: 165 3 Hive Guard: 165 3 Biovores: 120 Exocrine: 170 Exocrine: 170 Firestorm Redoubt: 200 Prime and Venomthrope go into the building so I'm projecting an 18" synapse range and 6" shrouding. I'm also protecting the Warlord (and venomthrope) and getting some reliable anti-air to boot. Thoughts on the list is that it is some kind of tyranid structure that is emerging during a later stage infestation, hence the hive guard. It's actually fairly defensive while having kind of a suicidal assault force (horms and shrikes). The tervigon should be able to get a cover save from the building and be shrouded for a 2+ cover save, so should be pretty reliably alive and kicking out little dudes. If people are allowing Stronghold Assault, I'd drop 6 hormagaunts and add the BS3 upgrade for the guns on the firestorm.
  7. Perhaps now they aren't as pretty when compared to White Scars, but they are still potent. Ask Mikhail Lenin. He schooled me hard with 'em at OFCC.
  8. I keep meaning to ask this, why Tarv? (also, I have no idea how to add umlauts).
  9. Only thing I want to know about is thoughts on why adding poison to carnifexes.
  10. I agree mono builds are bad.
  11. May I suggest the compromise of treating it like barrage weapons in that under the minimum range it scatters at full distance. I don't think that is RAW or even RAI, but I think it is a sensible work around.
  12. Let me put it this way, when each book dropped, people immediately figured out most of the "power" units in each (Daemons did take a while to suss out, so there's hope yet, I guess). Ravenwing, Heldrake, Riptide/Missilesides, Wave Serpent/Jetbikes, Gravguns/White Scars. All of those things, experienced players looked at and said, "Holy [big bad swear word]! That unit/army is Awesome!" What is the consensus "Holy [big bad swear word]!" unit of the Nid dex? *crickets* Again, I think we might be missing something, and given time, something strong might emerge, but I just don't see much to be excited about.
  13. *note, I ain't mad at you, just mad at that dex.
  14. I like the idea of a flyrant in the tyrant guard unit.
  15. I don't have one in my Eldar list, I just know they are good.
  16. That seemed to be my line of thinking. They aren't going to survive a turn of dedicated shooting from almost anything, but they force your opponent to get rid of them before dealing with anything else.
  17. It's a good read. I think galahad911's comments a while back about the dex are ringing true. One can eke out wins with this dex, but it isn't a powerhouse.
  18. I think there are other ways to spend one's points, but wraithknights are pretty darn effective. I wonder what else is in your list, because, when I see wraithknights working well it is when they are in pairs or more. They act as a real threat to a lot of things and then if you back it up with speedy eldar stuff that is good at taking out hordes, they really help you out.
  19. Horms have an advantage over terms in small units in that they get a +3 to their run and have fleet so they can reach out and contest objectives better.
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