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Everything posted by fluger

  1. Unless you really want one, I'd really recommend a big mel with SAG. Credible firepower and fits the list.
  2. Gretchin are hella useful, especially with the new strat. I wish I had 60.
  3. They literally do nothing in game terms, I scratch built my gunz a and I'm not bothering with more than two for propriety.
  4. I call shenanigans on that. They can't be targeted and are therefore unnecessary IMO.
  5. Its great to be back. I can't wait for Summer 2020 when I'm fully done with my Masters and have a solid curriculum built up. Gonna be LIT.
  6. In any event, I have zero context for lists anymore, but it looks solid to me, or course take that with a Turda Salt Mine's worth of salt.
  7. It's sitting right there! It should be the: Eben Chalice Brigade!!!!!
  8. I have 180 models in my 2k list and that's like 1/3rd of my collection...😩
  9. The first time I painted boyz I did 15 colors per model...on 120 models. Bonus points, they look like [big bad swear word].
  10. Oh, definitely EXPENSE. I try not to think of how many hundreds and thousands of dollars I’ve dropped on Orks. Pro Tip, check out Mindtaker Miniatures or any second hand source to cut costs.
  11. Bollocks to that. I paint like a drunk Ork with only a thumb and I get no complaints. Being a fun person is the most important thing. I legit don't care if my opponent has purty models or not, if they are a jerk, they are a jerk, can't put lipstick (or paint) on a pig. My only social concern with this list is that you will lose a lot and that's rough. Most people want a challenge and not a cakewalk. At least you have a cool theme!
  12. They're pretty rugged with Mob Rule, but the Warboss helps units that are getting low. For instance, if you get hit with 15 wounds on a 30 strong unit and don't have a big unit around to help but do have a warlord then you can take much less damage.
  13. I can't give you advice specific to this list, but I played an all tank IG list and it struggled mightily to give fun games. Usually I shot up my opponent until they hit melee and then I folded up like a cheap tent. I mean, it was definitely cool and was interesting, but when you lose most games, your opponent isn't challenged and it gets boring. I love the look and feel of mech armies, they just usually die horribly.
  14. Also, I spaced on the Warboss' ability for failed Morale! AGH! He's so good!
  15. There are a few index items I plan on using, Lobbas, warbuggies/traks, KFF not in Mega Armor, and a Warboss in Mega Armor. After Westie corrected me, the trukks won't be outflanking and are expendable. 134 pts and maybe the 30 pts from the lobba is 9 Lootas instead?
  16. Might still be worth it to outflank meganobz sans transports. Hmmmmmm
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