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Everything posted by fluger

  1. Seems...insufficient against certain armies, but I'm a n00b again.
  2. 3 color minimum is holding me back, stupid numb hand. Otherwise I'd be in.
  3. This is my big issue as well, 186 models is super rough. Last GT I went to was 2017 TSHFT and only had one game reach a natural conclusion. 2 ended on turn 2. In every non Eldar game had the game continued, it would have benefitted me.
  4. BS 4 and order to re-roll 1s is tasty.
  5. I'm really excited because I wanted to make an imp soup list based on my fluff that would have IG/Ravenguard/Ad Mech and an Assassin. Couldn't do it because of limit of 3. Now I can.
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/15/15th-feb-new-models-games-and-funko-pop-at-the-new-york-toy-fairgw-homepage-post-3/?fbclid=IwAR2ig-Tn8EmyrXIWDWuUISL6iUVzcrMquLtbNsL9eVueh5g5jiZrS02_beA&utm_campaign=NewYorkToyFairRevealsFeb15&utm_content=NewYorkToyFairRevealsFeb15&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_source=Facebook
  7. I always thought a special bolter+eviscerator-lite as their main weapon would be cool. Like 18" S4 Assault 2 S = user+2 AP-1
  8. List restrictions based on model availability makes sense to me.
  9. As a viable competitive build this is something new to 8th edition.
  10. Easier to make mistakes with hordes, I suspect Orks will be a gate-keeper type army. Something all lists have to prepare for, but lack a certain something to be consistent champs.
  11. I tried it one game and its kinda tough to manage. Could be great though.
  12. Who wants the Chaos part of that box? Its Ravenguard time!
  13. Holy [big bad swear word], I can't wait to get Raven Guard of these guys!
  14. Its a reason to run them near the warboss too. Just in case there are snipers about.
  15. As long as grots are closer than shooter, you're not gonna get him...
  16. I still would like to see someone try out Goffs with Skar Boyz. I suspect it would work well. Wounding T8 on 5s would help against tough stuff a lot and wounding almost all infantry on 3s id huge.
  17. That's what I use. Incredibly powerful character for the pts. I just like the long range opportunities of the KFF warboss with a +1 to wound. Means wounding on 4s almost always and even 2s against tough stuff. I can 't grok the math with so many re-rolls and such, but it seems like that would be a credible threat against tough targets every turn. I could see adding a deffskullz detachment with this guy and a KFF big mek, 3 grot units, and some lootas. Then I'd do my usual Blood Axe force, but use da finkin kap to get Brutal But Kunnin on my warboss.
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