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Everything posted by TJP

  1. Looks like it'll just be me. Rematch, RD? Now with MOAR TROLLS and no cheaty Third Eye (still a 3+ ward though). I can loan my Norse too - they are an easy learning team. Let me know.
  2. I'll definitely be there and the wife may be (still trying to confirm babysitter for kids). If so, she'll be looking for a lower-point game, either in the TnT game or separately.
  3. Life or Beasts or Heavens yea? All good stuff for Bretonnians - Life to bring back knights and make them even tougher, Beasts to make your peasants decent and make your characters ridiculous, Heavens to buff and debuff and zap and blast. There's a lot more terrain than in 7th, but it has less of an overall effect, especially on movement. An infantry unit doesn't get ranks in the woods, but it isn't slowed down at all, vs so much as to be completely stuck for 2+ turns. We don't tend to use special terrain or mysterious forests/rivers unless we are playing a specific scenario around here, though.
  4. To be clear, you get the choice of how you want to maximize given that you can make ONE wheel of up to 90 degrees at any point during the charge, must make contact, and must then align to the charged unit. Usually, but not always, if your unit is wider than your enemies, you can manage to keep a wimpy wizard out of combat like this. As already stated, if you receive the charge, unless the charging unit is wider, you are likely to only get 1 model in base contact (probably corner-to-corner). I'm not a Bret expert, but if you are, say, thinking of a Damsel or the like in a horde unit of Men At Arms, if you are looking at taking a charge, you might do better by bailing her out of the unit if you have somewhere safer for her to be (behind a building for example). Or park her in some knights in the middle of the second rank :)
  5. TJP


    From the album: TJP's Projects

  6. It's pretty awesome. It looks like it was done in Campaign Cartographer 3 - I have that, but I've never done anything so large.
  7. I haven't seen a special character in the hardback books that I wouldn't play against. I like em. I want to run a Ride of the Dinosaurs with either Mazdamundi or Tetenhauin on a steg and as many big stompy critters as possible. Wait, aren't Chiefs ld 6 vs 5? I mean, still bad, but...single terradon riders maybe? No idea what to do with these guys. Well sure. I think they could get magic weapons before (the only restrictions are that models can't get magic armor unless they can get mundane armor), but why would you for one terrible attack? I give my chaos sorcerers magic weapons all the time, but they're obviously much better hand-to-hand combatants in the first place.
  8. I already have a Dark Elf player or he'd be invited to mine!
  9. Final carving done on the display board. It still needs a little more attention on the lava flows at the bottom and some wall-filler and sanding on the sides and back.
  10. Gonna try, if I don't have band practice.
  11. Sadly, no. Dwarfs then Wood Elves, as far as I know. Nothing beyond that, except a probably 9th ed eventually.
  12. Systems are down at work, so I'll give it a try: Actually...good question. My gut feeling is no (as you have to declare charges individually, and once a character has charged out of a unit, that unit can't charge). I'd have to read the rulebook for confirmation though... If that is the EXACT wording of the gift, then I don't think the potion would count. Depends on the wording of the gift, but then again, take for example the massive argument and FAQ-wobbling on what 'unmodified leadership' is :) Feedback scroll doesn't stop the spell, though, and if you throw a whole handful of dice, you have already accepted that you may lose your wizard or a bunch of his unit to a miscast. Still good, but I haven't taken it. Heck, I rarely take a dispel scroll, for what it's worth. Probably to my detriment, but the Chaos Familiar and Skull of Katam (aka Skull of Terrible Advice) usually take up my arcane item slots. I know that there was discussion of this a while back, but I don't remember the resolution. Newer books (even 7th ed books) shied away from giving magic weapons the spear or lance or great weapon type, so Bretts are the only ones really that still have it. Look for "+2 strength on the charge, mounted only" explicitly in the new Brett book rather than 'lance' for this reason. The increase in charge distances mean more units can get to your warmachines. Gorgers and Scorpions are pretty unseen these days (with Ogres, you're more likely to have your Treb smashed by they Ogre's own cannon now, and the Tomb Kings don't have a great answer for it in any case). Fast cav and scouts are always a danger, and flying beasties like harpies and eagles will get them over the top of your own units. "Chaff' clearing is an important job - try to shoot down these threats with bowfire, as they are usually pretty vulnerable. I'm not an expert of course - my only 'war machine' is an unbreakable toughness 6 monster daemon engine... Too much time and money on fancy helmets and la-de-da tournaments and not enough on weaponry and training :) Also, the Heroic Killing Blow lord is an expert at this, if he lives long enough to swing...
  13. There is a common item that makes models in base contact reroll successful saves. Also, you can get a LOT of shots or attacks from units pretty easily in 8th, and eventually, wounds will get through. A bunch of big spells don't allow ward saves (though they are for the most part characteristic tests, which a Warriors character is pretty unlikely to fail, but is usually instant death if they do). The Amber Spear is a Beasts spell that hits like a bolt thrower (no armor saves, penetrates ranks, d3 wounds). The boosted version, at a higher casting cost than the base, is higher strength (and longer distance? I forget). It's good against RD's dragon, Treeman, and Treekin. I was usuing Bolt of Change, a Tzeentch spell, to similar effect, though it doesn't have a higher strength boosted version (d6 + 4 str, which is pretty nice, but random). Mark of Slaanesh (automatically pass any fear, terror, or panic checks) was MONEY in 7th ed, where Fear was crippling and Terror bombing ruined battle lines. In 8th, it's much less of a big deal, so players have really swung towards Nurgle (-1 to hit in close combat) and Khorne (Frenzy, which is essentially the same effect as Slaanesh since they are immune to psych - at least until they lose combat and lose frenzy). Still, we don't have The Will of Chaos anymore (no rerolling panic), so a whiffed panic check can still send 400+ points of Nurgley doom off the board, a failed fear test can make a Nurgle vs. whatever a silly ineffective slapfight, and Frenzied units have to overrun, have to test for an uncontrolled charge, and can't choose to flee from a charge, not to mention if they lose combat, they lose all of this, and both are more expensive. Plus, y'know, fluff.
  14. Well, not exactly. A Warriors of Chaos character with the Talisman of Preservation (45 pts) and the Mark of Tzeentch (5 to 10 pts) and the Third Eye of Tzeentch mutation (10 pts) gets a 4+ ward from the talisman, which goes to a 3+ with the Mark, and the Eye lets you reroll 1's. Effectively a 2.5+ ward for 60-65 points - not cheap, but effective. You can't do that on a Demon Prince (limited to a 5+ ward no matter what as Daemon of Tzeentch gives you the same ability as the Eye instead of the +1 ward). It's pretty badass and makes him hard to kill, but doesn't protect a monsterous or chariot mount or help him from fluffing his attacks and getting run down.
  15. Pink insulation foam from Lowes (comes in 4x8 sheets of various thickness) and white glue. Since it's pretty much non-porous and trapped between two layers where it can't get air, make sure to give it a LONG time to dry before you start carving or you'll find wet spots and maybe have your construction fall apart. You can get foam super-glue, but it's much more expensive - I've never tried it.
  16. The dragon has a basecoat and a wash on it. I found my BSB model - he was a victim of the Great Kitchen Floor Disaster of 2012, so he's been repaired and basecoated/washed, but needs to be finished up. I started on a new, more ambitious display board...
  17. Unfortunately, unless I come into a chunk of money in the next few weeks, I won't be going :P
  18. I made a display board for my OFCC '11 force. It's not terrible, but it's chipped and has bare spots for the units I had then, so it doesn't fit what I am running now. I want to make something more dynamic, dramatic, and general-use for my force. First step: planning on a big sheet of freezer paper (cause I had it). 7 layers of foam, rough-carved with a knife and a hot-wire cutter. The layers are just together with toothpicks while I carved, since a small hot-sire cutter don't handle large surfaces or concaves very well. I have since glued them together and I'm ready for the final carving and sanding. There's a big pool of lava at the top behind the rim, with two flows heading down the hill between units. I plan on carving out the flows with a soldering iron (and a fan, so I don't poison myself too bad with plastic fumes). Most of the surfaces will be covered with a layer of sand to match my unit bases, with only the steepest parts of rocks not sanded, I got some neat thin shards of foam from the first cutting and I plan on using some of them to jut from the surface - they are textured perfectly for obsidian. I'll likely not attach them and instead put them on bases so they can be used as scenery or be moved around to fill blank spots in the display with different armies. A section of the front edge will be sanded flat at an angle and a couple of magnets embedded, so I can put a metal-backed nametag on - I have some tin left over from making unit trays that I can snip into shape and then modge-podge a printed tag onto. The design has some big flat (well, sloped but can put a unit on it) areas, some prominences to show off the centerpiece models, It's 14" tall, and 18x28" overall. The initial stack used about half of a 4x8' sheet of 2" foam (a lot of which, of course, gets carved off in the slopes), and it can't weigh more than about a pound. Of course, sand and paint will add some weight to it, but it will still likely be lighter than my current board which has a 1/4" pressboard bottom.
  19. Looking good. Are the magnets sticking better now?
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