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Everything posted by TJP

  1. TJP


    From the album: TJP's Projects

  2. Couldn't resist painting this guy. Relic Priest - a Slaan so powerful they keep on casting, even when dead, wrapped in bandages, and soaked in resin!
  3. TJP

    IMG 3544

    From the album: TJP's Projects

  4. TJP

    IMG 3543

    From the album: TJP's Projects

  5. Basecoated but needs more: Chaos Dragon Exalted BSB 6 Hellstriders Needs fixing and lots of paint: 26 Chaos Warriors Carved but needs sand/paint: Display board
  6. We accept this most Canadian of challenges! In turn, Ordo Omega also issues a challenge to the Dimensional Cascade Podcast team. A long list of grievances need to be addressed in the Book of Grudges of our Dwarf player vs. their twisted Chaos Dwarf brethren!
  7. I read it first as "roaming around and killing babies." As a Chaos player, I approve ;) But overall, looks good!
  8. Will do. Just as a note, unless something's changed or is in the comp pack, your general doesn't need to be declared on your army list, if you have several eligible models. Usually not an issue though.
  9. Not an expert nor an O+G player, but 30 orcs and 40-50 goblins is a fine unit size. You'll get some use out of the 8th-ed Horde formation, especially with night goblins. In general, things are more mobile and charge farther (but randomly), forests restrict your movement less, close combat is full of more carnage (but a little less running away). I only played about a year of 7th, and I like 8th :)
  10. Quite possibly me! Finally have a free weekend. I still don't get the scenario. My list is not in the slightest bit deathstar-y or horde, and I only have a total of 9 units and characters. There seems to be no inducement to bring more 'fortitude' and a lot of inducement to bring less. I'd say something more useful would be 'once a player gets below 5 Fortitude, they lose' (exact number up to debate but that's the idea).
  11. Hmmm - if you find a good model and have some bits (shields and symbolism, maybe a pilot from the gyro kit) it wouldn't be too hard... Email me and we'll go through models. I don't have a good handle on how large the warjacks are but a quick check shows that there are some good candidates for a 50x75 giant base.
  12. If I had some Forsaken, I'd be all over the WoC challenge :)
  13. "Can" and "will" are two different things :) The amount of shooting in your rough list is fine, I'm sure. As for an Iron Golem, perhaps a modified Warjack or Colossal from Warmachine as a base?
  14. Keep in mind that you combat reform after you decide who wins and make break checks, so it'll be next turn before your turn to the rear will take effect. Also, there's good reasons to do this when NOT trying to lose, too - if you wiped out nearly everything but they hold and you are threatened with a countercharge to the rear or flank, so you turn your flank or rear to the less dangerous unit so that your front will face the more serious threat.
  15. My second year running games - I have two Fiasco sessions and I'm running DREAD on the giant Jenga set! Can't wait. Not sure what else I'll do; probably try to rope as many people into games of Netrunner as possible and see what other board games I can try out. Anyone else?
  16. Arg, we scheduled other gaming over this. Hopefully next week!
  17. http://np.ironhelmet.com/ A friend got me into a game. It's a pretty simple space strategy game, but it's REAL TIME. But not quick - even close star systems are hours apart, so you just log on every once in a while to check and give things orders. We're 'only' 5 days in and we've gone from the 'land grab' stage to the start of active hostilities. It's pretty darn good!
  18. Awesome - I only have 15 marauder horse and MAN do they take a long time to paint. So many straps and armor and skin and hair and horseflesh and... Good luck at the Brawl!
  19. Hoping I can make these. I made a 1500 all-swiftsride, all-Slaanesh, no magic list. It'll either be epic, or terrible. Or terribly epic! I need a second Chaos Lord/Exalted on a chaos steed though. I have one with a swapable banner and a mage on steed, but I'd need a bsb and a chaos lord for the list. I have the magnetized guys that go on my dragon and manticore, but I think they are too wide to fit on a horse, especially the Chaos Knight ones which struggle to rank up anyway...
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