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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Burk

    Beware of Cougars

    Thread did not deliver as expected......
  2. Willys minis are sexy. I have the CD's. if you are willing to part it out I would like the blunderbuss and i might be interested in the female CD but would need a pic as I did not see a female on on willys so want to know what it is.
  3. hmm. i may need to get more pilots if you can have multiple lances.
  4. medium mechs....how quaint 🙂 Rolling with 3 assaults and a heavy 🙂
  5. Not a fan of the scale. wish it was similar to the epic scale...
  6. I will be at GG at noon for @Bosco willing to play @Zorcon after......
  7. i can play on sunday. what time you thinking @Bosco
  8. they dont have any explanations....poor in that but you get the hang of it quick
  9. you have to have enough morale to do the special shots like multi, sensor lock, etc. look at the little bar to the left of your pilot pictures...that is your moral.
  10. I dont post tournament updates.
  11. so you are changing to your settings....got it 🙂
  12. you should change your settings so you only see the title of the thread.
  13. just sent. traded out the dirty player for frenzy on the tackle Bitzra
  14. ok...so I use un-read and I only see the titles, not content. Perhaps you should try this. And even if you saw the preview...sheez man it only shows a sentence or two.....dont click in it.
  15. Time to critique my build khemri TG x 2 w/ Mighty Blow TG w/ Guard TG w/ Block Blitz w/ tackle Blitz w/ Guard Skelly w Dirty player 3 skellys naked Lewdgrip 3x RR What you think about skills?
  16. there at 3 hopefully for my BB game vs @Frostitute
  17. somethings wrong with the link. even when I log in, it wont connect.
  18. AMA? why will you not talk about tournament results.
  19. Here is a link to the KS as I had trouble connecting with the video link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/259153683/midnights-masque-vol-1-a-tale-of-teddy-bears-and-m?ref=user_menu
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