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Everything posted by Weav

  1. Nice, two locals have stepped up and purchased in the last half-hour. Now we have fourteen...who’s next?
  2. You’re being out-paces by the out of towners, guys...we have twelve paid with a desire for sixteen, room for twenty-four. Seven non-locals already signed up. Let’s go!!!
  3. So far it appears to be @Josiah, @ninefinger, @scotthartman, and @Weav. Anyone else interested?
  4. Here is my proposed Elven Union for Western Winter Bowl. I'm not certain I'm playing Elven Union, might go back to Dark Elf...whaddaya' think?
  5. Anything related to Blood Bowl is a good idea
  6. I love the attitude! I can’t really answer your question though...after all, this is Ordo so bringing softer lists is normal. However, I’ll let @Dark Trainer decide as he’s handling the in game stuff. I’m just helping organize.
  7. Our league will be Winter Warzone 2019. @Dark Trainer and I are working on particulars now.
  8. Alright locals, we have five of you but there is room for lots more. Sign up soon!
  9. Hey guys. I am requesting some assistance with understanding what I made need to do with my old Van Saar’s to be ready for the new Necromunda league. I don’t plan on buying any new models, yet I need to be as competitive as I can, and frankly, I’m a sucker for WYSIWYG. I won’t be buying the books for a little bit, so outside of plasma, autoguns, lasguns, and so on, what should I plan for to have a viable Van SAAR gang?
  10. Weav

    Blitz Bowl

    Who locally owns a copy of Blitz Bowl?
  11. Lovely, be happy to have you. There will be a little crossover with the Human League but those of us that play in both will make it work.
  12. I’m not a fan of posting my own stuff first. However, I did just make real Texas chili base. This is old school, off the trail stuff. Nothing but red chilies, dried and reconstituted, garlic, onion, cumin and some roasted veg I had left over, all blended together. I have some chicken in the slow cooker now, with the Texas chili base smothered all over them.
  13. Oddly, I can’t think of a Warpspace thread about cooking...ever?!?!? I’m sure many of us appreciate the culinary arts, after all, gamers tend to err on the plump side 😁 So, what’s cookin’? Any advancements, recipes, techniques y’all wanna share with the group?
  14. Hello, Ordo Necromunda players! This February, a new Necromunda league will begin at Ordo Fanaticus Game Night at Western Oregon War gamers. More details will follow, but please post here if you can make regular game nights. @Josiah, @ninefinger and I are in discussion regarding format and narrative, and we think we have some fun things in store for the loyal Ordo Necromunda players. Sound off! Who wants to play?!?! What gang? I’m planning on Van Saar, but frankly, I haven’t played since the original edition...I have a lot of learning to do.
  15. Guys, I’m going to assist Matt with the administration and promotion of the league at WOW. Matt and I are working together on the particulars and I am super excited to help. Expect more details very shortly, including start date and scenarios. For the <insert 40K special character here>!!! 😁
  16. Weav

    Blitz Bowl

    Am I the only Ordo Bowl regular to pick up Blitz Bowl? I’ve only seen it played once, and haven’t played myself, but it seems damn fun. https://m.barnesandnoble.com/w/toys-games-blitz-bowl-the-game-of-gladatorial-sports-mayhem/32462628?ean=5011921106653
  17. I’d love to play some Blitz Bowl if anyone is interested
  18. Awesome, you're lucky umber four. My car's full. The way I read the rules, you may buy doubles. "• 1.2 million gold to purchase the team and skills.• No skill may be purchased more than twice. No more than two advancements per player.• No stat increases unless that player has the trait Stunty. No more than one stat increase per player."
  19. I have one spot. I'd love for you to take it, but I need a firm commitment before issued. First come first served...DO IT! Skills are purchased, no skill packs.
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