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Everything posted by sergentzimm

  1. Found these on Thingiverse thanks to Reddit http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:707019 They are custom printed plastic boxes for xwing minis. I took a liking to them because they make my current tool box config a bit more stable for things. I am hoping to find some of these for the armada ships, though being bigger they might be more costlier to make than just some foam.
  2. Ok so I am retarded apparently... need to read better lol
  3. I will be playingbrads space game but ill also have time for some armada with ya.
  4. I will attempt for sure, as this type of thing is what I have wanted to do with 40k for years! That will be where I subsidize this, though moving from GW to spartan isn't exactly a cheaper option..
  5. Found this link on the FFG site. Nice list builder that is very visual. http://fabpsb.free.fr/armada_beta/index.php?lng=en
  6. My wallet cannot repel threats of this magnitude... time to ditch a kidney. Anyone in the market?
  7. I will be down as well with Armada. Just have the base set so not much of a surprise for the games so far.
  8. If you want to get hyped up, watch this: Tie Fighter 80's anime style Tie fighter battle. Just rad.
  9. I am in for sure. I have the kids this weekend but I would be down to figure it out on tuesday
  10. Damn this motivates me to clean the garage...
  11. No Resurrection this time for me, my parents will be in town and I will be in a Tulip field.. sigh.
  12. bring- a - friend for demo day idea. March 28th golden mile poll. starts at caps. OFCC check-in. Dice colours: check in for top 5 options. purple, green, blue, reddish, and teal. Butt dice: individual orders only. Cute hamster passed no nays. Put: 2 sided shirts classic front cute back. 30-40 cost range. Through blue cotton we need 6 ppl for each style ( single or double) New quote: I dont fear an army of Lions led by a sheep, but I do fear an army of sheep led by a hamster. " up for vote and discussion. April 18, 15$ buyin for local tournament. all done on my phone by keisha. Please excuse the formatting, ill clean it up later
  13. Oh man but i can't get new models...
  14. Well I should figure this saga thing out. April is good for a tourny. I have always wanted to try a bfg/40k combo thing though. Maybe I will look into that and report back.
  15. Howdy. This weekend I put together a nice Ikea display cabinet for some of my painted works. This made me realize I have waaay to many models without a purpose, though two Reaper Bones Kickstarters really don't help. Along with this, I have realized I really only paint and have the motivation to play when there is an event or some form of progression. In the past this has typically been tournaments, with the occasional league or campaign. So do we have anyone brewing something like this lately? At this point I would be interested in nearly any game system. I know we had designs on an infinity campaign at one point. I am thinking of setting something up, but just either didn't want to waste the effort or step over someone else's ideas.
  16. indeed, though random is random. Always good to see how a bad shuffle can affect the game.
  17. Absolutely will be back for more. My first deck building game was fun
  18. I cant see dice without butts now. We can have blood and guts but no butts?
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